
Why do the environmentalists only seem to focus on global warming, when talking to the media?

by Guest21207  |  earlier

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By focusing only on global warming, they are letting the people who don't believe in global warming miss the point about pollution, which is that it's bad and has to be drastically reduced weather it's the cause of global warming or not, that poison is bad what ever way you look at it, and even if it turned out that we are not the cause of warming, we are certainly the cause of terrible pollution, and the rapid depletion of resourses?




  1. well, i don't think so. but you know what, all of these pollution that you're talking about. it's like i think and i believe that every environmental issue is connected through a series of chains of events. therefore they are all linked together. it's just that this, global warming is caused by other many environmental "MAN-MADE" crimes such as these pollution which in return has a BIGGER and worst effects on the planet,

    so, if there a re people who do not believe in GW, well then try to look for the many more environmental "MAN-MADE" crimes. which i beleive is undeniably super true based on direct linkages and evidences.

  2. Global warming, is that the same as acid rain?

  3. This is not really a question, but your opinion (of which you are entitled).  Only, have you just ranted?  I think the idea of making planet Earth like Mars is a blinking important issue but that's my opinion (of which I am entitled to).

  4. I used to be very concerned about pollution.  I tried to recycle, tried to use things wisely, tried to make sure I was very clean when I changed the oil in the car etc.

    But then came gore.   I do none of the above now.  I still care, but out of spite for his 'in your face, do it my way or you will pay' attitude, I just gouge back every time I get a chance.

  5. The big problem is they make nice little sweetheart words like climate change and global warming all which sound really nice but when you look at Mother Earth it is climate destruction. It is the raping of the land and it's resources and animals and human animals. We have to stop what we are doing NOW and never do it again, we cannot just keep putting plastic bandages over the problem and hoping things get better, THEY WON'T. Most mainstream "environmentalists" are essentially working for corporations or with them to wash everything green, it's a green car, it's a green coal plant, it's a green harsh chemical, it's a green bullet so that way they feel good and the earth is still getting destroyed at a rapid rate! Human beings are leeches on Mother Earth, little nasty parasites that are taking advantage of the host without providing it with anything and we need to realize that and pause for a second and open our eyes and stop our destructive ways.

  6. Global warming is just something the environmentalists grabbed hold of.  The environmentalist tactics are well-known:  Attempt to cause widespread panic by saying "We're destroying the planet!" and once they get enough people to believe it they jump out like Superman coming out of the phone booth and they say "Never fear, WE'LL save you!"  It's more about power and control than it is about conserving resources or limiting pollution.

    P.S.:  I don't believe in global warming because I've seen plenty of evidence to show it's a sham, but at the same time I'm all for reducing carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions from cars and industrial plants.  I'm also all for recycling, exploring alternative sources of energy, clean water, forcing companies that pollute to clean it up, etc.
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