
Why do the extremists of all religions (including mine) do this?

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why do they want everyone to be a Christian or a Muslim or a jew or a Hindu etc ?

what will they get from it even if they are able to convert everyone




  1. Out of kindness and empathy.

    They are trying to save people from their God's justice, and believe the only way to do it is by worshiping that God.

    That doesn't apply to Hindu's necessarily, but the Christians and Muslims worship God's who claim they are returning to murder all non believers and submit them to torture.  So followers of those God's are compelled by empathy to try and convert people so they wont be harmed by the God they worship.

  2. A false sense of self worth.

  3. A proselyte, two fold the child of h**l than themselves!

  4. Becos they dun want their beliefs to be extinct. Its like a disease..........virus that people wants to pass on.

  5. they think that this is what god etc wants, although it may be, many go overboard in their frenzy to please god. in the end they believe they are doing good regardless of the anger or destruction they may leave behind.

  6. "what will they get from it even if they are able to convert everyone"

    Exactly.  Maybe they think their reward will be great in Heaven.

  7. To the degree we reject reality, to that degree we all suffer the consequences. Irrationality is certainly one of the consequences of the rejection of reality. Although a sincere & honest conscience is sufficient for salvation, it is suppose to be easier to acquire and maintain such a conscience by pursuing the reality of the truth by educating our consciences.  

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