
Why do the few legal Mexican immagrants?

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Refuse to learn english? When my wife came here from Portugal in the 60,s her parents made her to learn English ! It was part of the test she had to take to become nationalized So why isn't this required anymore? Why should I be required to learn spanish or press 1




  1. mexicans have always migrated to these shores without giving up their native tongue.

  2. Because they have more pride in their homeland than the country in which the have come to better their lives.  The legal immigrants, as well as the illegals, are here for one thing and that's American money.  They could care less about assimilating, they're sending their money back home where the American dollar goes a long way.  Why should they put in the effort when they don't care and they have the ACLU there to back them up if they don't get their way?  I'm not referring to all Mexican immigrants.  I know a few families who have come here, worked hard to assimilate and embrace the US as their permanent home, but they are in the minority.

  3. yea to the person above me she s hould get ten points

  4. I don't see why your required to learn a language if you haven't learned history. America took Arizona, new Mexico, Nevada and California from Mexico after we violated a treaty not to annex Texas. There are a lot of Hispanics and native Americans that still resist speaking English. I know quite a few that will only speak English when they absolutely have to. They do not consider giving you directions back to the highway to be their problem. Speaking Spanish just became your problem. Wait till you visit Quebec. You'll love learning French.

  5. Studies on immigrant populations and English usage reveal that there is a pattern with regard to assimilation and English usage among these populations over time reveal that there is a general pattern that repeats itself irrespective of the racial/ethnic group. Namely:

    1.  Immigrant population - speaks language from country of origin and generally does not learn the new language. The exception is when immigrants arrive as children.  They generally learn English as they need to learn to be able to be educated.

    2.  1st generation (born in US)- Generally are 100% bilingual.  They first learn the language of origin of their parents but learn English in school.  They maintain both languages because they serve as translators for their parents.  

    3.  2nd generation - Generally do not speak the language of their grandparents and even if they do they are overwhelmingly English dominant as their parents speak and understand English so there is no

    need to translate.  They may converse with their grandparents in the foreign language, but as I said, they are English dominant.

    Additionally, 2nd generation is largely 100% assimilated into American culture.

    Therefore, you are correct in that adult immigrants generally don't learn the language of their new country as they tend to settle in ethnic enclaves where others understand them and they have their children to translate.  As such, your example reveals the generational phenomenon to be true as your wife was a child when she came and learned English then.  

    In short, adult immigrants from ALL non-English speaking countries generally do not learn English or learn only a very limited amount.  This is not limited to Mexicans or Hispanics alone.

    Generally speaking the vast majority of immigrants seeking citizenship must take the test in English.  They can take in another language if they are over a certain age - which I believe to be 50.

    What does how much money they send home have to do with anything?  Does it kill you to have to press 1 or 2?

    Your question smacks of ignorance, intolerance and xenophobia.

    re: thumbs down.  You may not "like" my reply but the data reveal the reality about immigrants, language and assimilation.

  6. Many of them don't even know how to read or write in their own language.

  7. To lazy.

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