
Why do the geezers get in the way of our skateboards at the mall?

by  |  earlier

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they have yards and the sidewalks but they block the way in the mall. my buds and me are thinking about clipping a few to warn them they are not wanted. the mall is our place. we live there. people come to see us perform and i am the best of the best. gonna be a pro skater some day and get rich. the geezers are so mean.




  1. I would love to teach some of you uncouth punks a lesson or 2, a******s.

  2. aww, poor you

  3. The mall is a place of commerce.

    If people did not purchase things there it would close.

    People come to the mall to do business, not to see you play.

    You are preventing people from doing what the mall is intended for.

    Your behavior is therefore out of place and damaging to society.

    "Clipping" others intentionally is assault and battery which is a crime.

    If you injure someone, you can be prosecuted criminally and may be liable for civil penalties as well.

    It is called an intentional tort.

    Your future earnings as a professional skateboarder could be attached and you could be paying civil damages for the rest of your life.

    That is, after you get out of jail.

    Of course, they won't allow you to take your skateboard to prison.

  4. Do what you say you and your buds want to do and I hope you and your buds don't see daylight for the rest of your unnatural life.

  5. "Why do all those skateboarding punks get in the way of us responsible adults at the mall?"...  "Geezers" got just as much right to walk around the mall as you do wannabe-Tony-Hawk...

  6. So, you own the mall?  Just because you hang out there does not mean it is yours.  It means you have no life.

    Why don't you come to my mall and try to clip me.  I will clothesline your @$$ and hope your head cracks on the floor.

  7. Wow!!!! So you have your own mall and people come just to see you.  Where are you located so I can see you.  I'm afraid that I may be dead before you become famous enough to get your own show on MTV.

  8. So you pay taxes on the mall?

    As for being a pro skater.....good luck to you!

  9. I'm much more annoyed by people pushing baby strollers than old people.

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