
Why do the good people die younge? or good people always get hurt?

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I have an aunt. She died a couple years ago. But she was really close to me. I still cry at night. And i still pray shes in a better place. but the pain is still there. is this normal? its been 4 years.




  1. why do a******s live for ever.

  2. because the world is not fair

  3. it is quite normal. people can go whole life times and still cry over a deceased loved ones. I still haven't gotten over the death of my grandfather wen i was 7 (10 years ago) i miss him a lot. Sometimes it helps to hang around people that knew your aunt. Spend more family time, make use of those family reunions. It sometimes reduces the pain. I know it did for me, but the memory of your aunt will still be there.

    Don't grieve over her death, but remember what a good life she lived. All the good memories that you have of her.  

  4. Everyone deals with loss in different ways...

    If youre not over it yet, theres nothing wrong with you... She just meant that much to you.

    Though I suggest you try to move on and remember her in only happy ways...

    Life is full of loss but if you begin to fear it too much you will never commit to anything.

    Why do good people get hurt/die?...

    Because we are all human and death reaches to all corners of humanity. Bad people die young too... its just people dont make a very big deal.

    Death brings our ability to enjoy and respect life...

  5. Because life Sux.

    Why is it all the a**h****s who bulliedt me when I was at school are now happily married whilst I am still single...due, in part to the psychological damage they inflicted on me.

    Bii Gates said it, too "Life is not fair...get used to it"

    This is something that needs to be debated over a good bottle of wine, late into the night, with good friends.

  6. I'm sorry.

    There is no such thing as a normal grieving time. Just focus on the positive things in life. Your aunt would want you to.

  7. Nothings fair in the world  

  8. I don't know...but it always seems like only the good die young.

  9. Just remember that it is better to have love and lost then never to have loved at all.  Its a cliche but true.  Know that the good times you had far out reaches the pain of losing her.  And the good are not the only to suffer.  They are just the ones everyone notices when they get hurt.    

  10. Because death is completely random.

    There is not a force of any kind that has their button on someone's delete button.

  11. Ever since my brother died almost 10 years ago now in a car accident on is way home from vacation at the age of 18 I have been asking that same question. But then I found out that he had an appointment with a heart surgeon after he got back because he was having problems with his heart.

    That made me think. Maybe it happened the way it did so that he wouldn't have to go through pain and suffer with a heart problem at such a young age.

    I think it is totally normal for you to still be upset. I am. I'm not sure it will ever go away. But try to do what I do. Always remember the good things, don't dwell on the fact that she is dead. Think about the good or soon, all you will think about is the bad.

    The pain doesn't go away, it just gets easier to handle. This may sound corney but I believe it is true that a little piece of us dies when someone we love dies. Just try to fill it with good memories.  

  12. yes it is normal i lost my mom in feb of 08 and my dad in nov of 05 and i still cry you have to take it one day at a time and remember the good times yall had together im really sorry about ur anunt but just remember its ok to cry sometimes shes wouldnt want you to cry cause shes gone but i bet shes haveing a ball with jesus

  13. You sound depressed, in fact you probably are prolonging the grieving process by adding new things. When something bad happens to you you combine it with missing your aunt which lengthens  the mourning period.

    Exercise would help you, but sometimes that's so hard to do. In which case you need some new activity that will allow you to be more active. Doing some hobby that exercises your brain or studying a new language creates new brain pathways that can make a change.

  14. not really and if you continue to grieve you should seek counseling

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