
Why do the governments hide the fact that there is life in underground Mars?

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and forget to tell people about NIBIRU?




  1. UFO are mostly fraud where they have not been identified.

    Zetatalk is sheer lunacy, I looked at it more than a year ago.  Woman claimed Earth would be struck by some planet (which was not Nibiru) in 2003.  Oops.  

    Nibiru is actually Jupiter and if it us going to get here by 2012 it had better get moving or it will be late.    

    Where is your peer-reviewed evidence for life on Mars, in any part of it?  

    What does this have to do with astronomy anyway?  

  2. pesky governments saying that my made-up conspiracy theories are wrong, just because they are imaginary!

    don't they realize that "Life is But a Dream"?

    this means that all imaginary conspiracy theories are EQUAL!

    I think its Amendment IV of the Constitution, right after Housing of Soldiers, it says crazy people and their obsessions... or something to that effect.

    Mars is dead.

    Nibiru is imaginary.


    sorry, bud... the ball is in YOUR court.  You wanna claim the Easter Bunny lives in your attic?  Start snapping pics and bring me pink bunny fur.  It's not MY job to prove you are crazy.

  3. They don't that's crazy life underground on mars really? Planets most likely have a pattern of life above the ground like this one. Mars may have microbial life in its soil maybe they have kept that secret but really a race of people that live underground insanely unlikely.

  4. Of course there is. Their houses got foreclosed on, they had to live somewhere, so the natural choice was to live underground.

  5. I think we need more information here.

    What do you mean by "hide"?

    What do you mean by "life"?

    What do you mean by "in" underground?

    And what makes you think that governments have any responsibility to tell you these sorts of things?

    Wouldn't that be the domain of NASA or other astronomical reserach institutions?

    Oh, and the governments already know about NIBIRU, do they? How does a government "forget to tell"?

  6. Where is your proof that they are hiding the fact that there is life underground on Mars?

  7. the answer is very simple

    the government does not hide such 'facts' cause there is no evidence, such things exist.

    any lifeform which would have been living there would have left traces of gas in the atmosphere.

    since no such gas was found and photos do not show anything.

    Theres just one reason for portubating such stuff, and that is making money with selling doubtful books.

    Hey guys i pay taxes and if the government would tell lies i would elect a different, so what ?

  8. Because,they are the Reptilians.

  9. And how do you know this?  

  10. I don't think anyone's hiding anything. Governments, unlike you, are usually afraid to make rash, unsupported assertions. When life on Mars is found, if it is, I'm confident that word will get out. I'm curious as to how you know that life exists on Mars, but I'm betting that you don't.

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