
Why do the jonas brothers have a ginson les paul?

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i definately think they do not deserve such a great guitar. please dont put answers like they suck or they are terrible. that is quite obvious already. just say why the @!%# do they have such a great guitar when they can t play for ,p**p




  1. Even if you are an amateur player you still need a good guitar like a Gibson or Fender

  2. u definitely need u a life!!!!!!

  3. They make a ton of money so they can buy whatever they want.  Like everybody else says, why do you care?  Besides, who says a Les Paul is so great anyway?  I can name several guitars that are much nicer and better sounding.  All of the big names that play Les Pauls don't get them from Gibson anyway, they are ghost-built by various luthiers worldwide who do a much higher quality job than the Gibson factory could ever do themselves - no knock on Gibson - it's just not what they do, they're quantity based manufacturers.  Gibson supplies some of the parts, but basically just pays to have their name put on there so guys like you think that they actually come from the Gibson factory.  Not that I'm saying they suck or anything, because I actually own a standard and a junior and like them both, but they are not by any means the pinnacle of guitar design.

  4. Well...did u know their the best band in the US right now? They have a lot of money from their success and spend it on good instruments! why do u care anyways

  5. man, they have money, too much money, they can afford anything.

  6. Dude

    If you think they 'suck'

    Then why would you care what they play?


    I bet you're just as obessed with them as all the anoying fans


    You're only 13!

    What do you know about guitars

    These guys have been playing waayyyy long than you


    why don't you seriously

    Lay off

    And get a freakin life.

  7. It's all for show.  They need good props to continue the charade that they're "rock musicians".

  8. billie joe armstrong has a les paul guitar and his guitar named BLUE

  9. To give the image they play well.

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