
Why do the leaves on my geranium plants turn yellow and brown?

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Why do the leaves on my geranium plants turn yellow and brown?




  1. It may want to be planted in a larger pot with soil that can hold more water because it is probably not getting as much water as it needs. They do like quite a bit of water at times. You should prune it to help it come back.

  2. Most likely because they need more water than you're giving them or are out in the sun too much. Geraniums like the shade and need to stay hydrated to survive.

  3. Could be either your watering too much.Only water when top of soil is dry.Or they are in full sun,and should be shaded.Or they are lacking minerals or food.Check with your local garden center.

  4. they need water and you could add some miracle grow also

  5. Are you talking geranium 'geranium' or geranium pelargonium?

  6. Check the plants for spider mites which could be the cause fo the discolouration.

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