
Why do the liberals push this global warming **** on us?

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Why do the liberals push this global warming **** on us?




  1. Your question indicates that you are badly misinformed (I'd recommend a Limbaugh fast and never tune to Fox news again, to remedy the situation).  There are numerous conservative groups and politicians who recognize the reality of global warming and the need to address it in some manner.  I heard John McCain pushing global warming legislation years before I ever heard Al Gore comment on the subject.

    While liberals and conservatives may have different ideas on the appropriate response (which is an appropriate area of debate) the reality of global warming knows no political parties, our country borders.

  2. Ha ha, its so funny when someone posts a question like this with no facts, no proof or qualifications. In a matter of hours they have been shot down with a barrage of data, reports and results that then make the asker look like a complete half wit. And to prove it they and their fellow non believers are back the next day doing the same thing..

      What you are basically saying is "I don't believe it. Prove it and I still wont believe it". Well, my friend it does not make any difference if you do or don't believe it. The reality is that global warming is a fact.

      So to answer your question "Why do the liberals push this global warming **** on us?",  because it is the same as trying to teach a slow child to read. You just have to keep trying and trying because one day it will sink in.


    Here are some links that you may be able to understand.

    These will start you off at the beginning.  Enjoy and learn.

  3. You mean liberals like these?

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

    "I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial."

    Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.

    "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

    James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

    Because it's scientific fact?

  4. Because to Liberals, humans are bad, wolves are good.  Nothing makes them happier than to report (even if it is a lie) that humans are ruining the planet.

  5. Global warming is science--and proven fact.  As for the policy issues--one big reason, leaving the environmental issue otu of it, is that we are SICK AND TIRED of havig a bunch of right-wing nuts and corporations rip us off.

    Why should Americans have to pay for 5 times the energy we need to light our homes? Why shoud we be stuck with gas-guzzling cars that cost twice as much to drive as they should?  Why is the US--alone of all the industrialized cuntries--the ONLY place where commuters rarely have a choice of transportation methods-and are stuck with paying fantastic amounts f money to sit in traffic jams?  Why do we NOT have nuclear power and have to keep paying more for electricity just to make some coal companies rich? Why is a company like Exxon/Mobile--who made over $35 BILLION in profit last year--getting subsidies with OUR tax money?  Why should we have to put up with special interests keeping the US dependant on foreign countries for oil?

    All so the oil/coal company executives can keep themselves in caviar and hookers while they poison our planet.

  6. yer such a freaking moron.......honest to god dude........

  7. Did you know that one of the biggest proponents for global warming now are conservative churches??? Do some more research they want to take better care of the world that God gave us!!!

  8. Patrick Moore, Ph.D., served for nine years as president of Greenpeace Canada and seven years as a director of Greenpeace International. Of the five directors at G.I., he was the only one with a scientific background. He says many of his colleagues were not interested in cooperation and rejected consensus in favor of continued confrontation, ever-increasing extremism, and left-wing politics. "Environmentalism has become anti-globalization and anti-industry," Mr. Moore says. "Activists have abandoned science in favor of sensationalism."

    It is becoming clearer, however, that the environmentalists are essentially anti-science, anti-technology, and anti-human. One group, Optimum Population Trust, advocates having fewer children to lessen the carbon dioxide output. Environmentalists are halting mining projects in Romania, Madagascar, and Chile that would provide jobs and better living conditions for impoverished people now living in substandard, unhealthy environments with open sewers and outdoor toilets. These "greenies" spout about returning the Earth to a Garden of Eden while the natives die of malnutrition and disease.

    By the way that is not my opinion but Patrick Moore.  Someone who was from the inside of the movement.

  9. Because its true, dumb S**t.

  10. Because they've been building a HUGE business base on this phony idea , and they're starting to see the fruits of their labors.I mean COME ON! Carbon credits?! Who's getting the money for that? Do you really believe that you can "off-set" your pollution by buying a few trees? NO! The only way to "off-set" your "carbon footprint" is to NOT pollute in the first place! Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it , Al Gore! Mr."I'm-gonna-fly-my-jet-everywhere-and-... Gore!

    Anyone with common sense can see that global warming is indeed happening.What many people fail to realize is that it's a NATURAL part of our planet's climate cycle.

    No one argues the fact that we had an ice age! Or is that a fairy-tale? No one argues that our planet used to be much much warmer than it is now...or else we would've never found dinosaur bones in places like Colorado.Colorado might be warm in the summer these days , but it gets really cold there in the winter.And dinosaurs weren't hibernating creatures like bears are.They never could've survived in Colorado unless it was HOT there year-round for MILLIONS of years!

    I also love the fact that scientists who question the idea that global warming is caused by man are discredited by big-money companies that just happen to be purveyors of global warming "solutions".

    Wake up people! Think for yourselves! Quit being told what to think.

  11. Because each one of us are responsible for it.  It wont just go away!

  12. Elementary, my friend.  Modern liberalism is based on socialism.   Socialism requires that all citzens be stripped of their rights and accept themselves as property of the state.  What better way to get people to sell themselves into slavery than to say that it is necessary to save the planet.

  13. For Al Gore the global warming poster child, the motivation is money!  He is the chairman and founder of Generation Investment Management a mutual fund company that is supposed to invest in environmental companies and also sells carbon credits. Yes when Al needs a carbon credit to offset his big house or airplane travel he buys them directly from his own company. One of the companies in GIMs portfolio is General Electric, a company that stands to make a lot of money if the Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection, and Energy Efficiency Act of 2007 is passed. He makes $100,000 for every speech he makes. and he made a but-load off his movie and book. That seems like a good reason for him to try to sell us on the idea of global warming.

    I agree with Crabby's rant about being ripped off except the nuclear power one. The same enviro hippies that made nebular power in the U.S. impossible  are cramming global warming down our throats.  Thumbs up to Crabby.

    Holy cow! I just gave a thumbs up to Bob i hope the folks in hades brought their winter attire.

  14. dont worry about it if BUSH had his way he

    would have us all killed in iraq anyway

  15. Because this is the holy grail of socialist. It allows them an excuse to tax rich nations and redistribute the wealth.

  16. The for & against case I have seen - seem to boil down to:

    For GW (weak case, not much evidence in this)

    (a) Quick (100year) rise in Co2- coinciding with mans increased production of Co2

    (b) Global temp & sea rise over the last ~century

    (c) Increased average temp of the earth

    (d) long term ice core record of Co2 showing levels not seen since the time of the Dinosaur

    (e) Reduction of Arctic ice to level not seen in ~200 years

    (f) Reduction in glaciers across europe, N & S America

    (g) Most of the worlds climate scientists agreeing GW is happening

    Against GW (strong case, proof positive it's not happening)

    (a) we all, don't like Al Gore

    (b) Al Gore has a big house

    (c) Al Gore uses a jet to much

    (d) we all, dont like Al Gore

    (e) La La La La (fingers in ears) I can't hear you!

    I'm convinced as "Speaker of the Truth" obviously is.

  17. They think the rest of the world is as gullible as they are.  God Bless you.

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