
Why do the majority of Egyptians overuse body language when they speak?

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when i watch Egyptians speaking , i find that the majority use their hands , eyes , mouth , even their sitting posture to express themselves .

Do you have an explanation ?




  1. It's not just African Americans who do that, you know .  It's an intrinsic part of many African cultures.

  2. all middle easterers do this, i think may be cuz we are more hot blooded than the other people.

  3. i really don't know but we all make this i think it is main characterize in Egyptians.

  4. I love hand gestures, I think it's beautiful.

    Your question sounds judgmental.

  5. i think there are many reasones but i think it s historical habbite came from the effect of what egyptian people had all this 7000years of wars and hurts

    which made alot of pressure inside themself

    and thair sinses and brain try to apear for this pressures

    so u find use raise our voices like a competation ofr voices or use our hands to make the others look to us and lestining

    i think it s unforced way to apear for all pressures which we hide in ourself

  6. More Expressive I Guess

  7. i wonder if it's genetic.  my children (their dad is an egyptian) use expressive gestures when speaking and spend much more time w/ me instead of papa (i don't gesture much and am soft spoken).  and they've only seen his family for approx. 1 month their entire lives.  My kids are also loud like my husband and most of his family even though they've been around my soft spoken mom's indo culture more.  Maybe they're just kids being themselves or maybe it's something genetic--do u know?  am curious.  I like it though since it's neat to see ppl. so visibly enthusiastic about something.  I have a hobby of ppl. watching.  Italians and egyptians are at the top of my list.  the DrAmA is amusing!!!

  8. i would not say egyptians only

    some researchers worked on latin america they got the conclusion that body language is more a talk from the heart

    and as long as we talk about pple who still use feelings and heart so you will see the body language

    but that is almost very very little in areas which intrests not love is the favtor

  9. its a mediterranean characteristic related to all mediterraneans not egyptians only

  10. a custom or inherited habit

  11. It has just been inherited i noticed this a lot whilst in Egypt here in England we hardly use our hands where as in Egypt asking for a drink will use large hand movements.  When i was visiting my loves family his nephew was trying to talk to me he didn't understand that i couldn't understand what he was saying as he is only 3 but he was waving his hands trying to make me understand bless him.

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