
Why do the masses believe Nibiru / Planet X doesn't exist?

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After doing much research on the Alaskan Observatory that monitors changes in our Earth's astronomical figures, that are fed to the US Government under Project Black, they have come to the conclusion that the pole shift contributor is in fact Planet X, aka Nibiru in Sumerian terms. Called so because it's eliptical orbit causes it to go in between Earth and our sun in our solar system.. The red planet which is a brown dwarf (unborn star) can be seen in the night sky as a red cross.. Unannounced to the media branches, and kept secret by the government due to stop us from reaching utter havoc and terror, this set in stone pass of Nibiru is not a myth. Conspiracy or complete fact.. You do the math, Sumerians 5100 BC + 3600 years -- Egyptian intelligence and macro evolution 1500 BC + 3600 years approx, December 21, 2012 90% dead or dying due to incredible overpopulation.. The cataclysmic storms that are coming are very real.

Retired US Air Force Electronic Warfare Matthew R Reynolds




  1. The medications are not working.  Try increasing the dose.

  2. Yes, please tell us who "they" is/are, and where in the sky we can see this "Planet X".  And while you are at it, please explain why Chinese / Russian / Japanese / South African / Iranian / Brazilian (etc) astronomers are hiding this.  Are they also part of the US Project Black?  I thought the Iranians in particular *wanted* to terrorize the US.

    Also, I would like to know how the Planet X has not totally disrupted the orbits of Venus and Mars during its last visits?  According to my calculations, anything larger than about 1/10 the size of our moon, coming within 10 million miles, should have affected the orbits by quite a bit.  But yet, the Earth orbit eccentricity is only 0.0167, Venus is 0.0068, and Mars is 0.0933.  Shouldn't these values be much higher?

  3. You kidding?

    Coordinates would be a good place to start. I own a telescope and the government do *not* tell me what I can point it at!

  4. Why do the masses believe that "Niburu" doesn't exist?

    Erm..because it doesn't.

  5. "The red planet which is a brown dwarf (unborn star) can be seen in the night sky as a red cross"

    Yes, yes it all makes sense now.  I was wondering what that big red cross in the sky was!

    Bystander 1: "It's a planet!"

    Bystander 2: "It's a brown dwarf!"

    Bystander 3: "It's... NIBIRU!!!!!"


    Eri, Boatman, why do you think amateur astronomers haven't found Nibiru X yet?  Because every time one of them does, the government gets to them before they can publicize their findings!  I fear poor Matthew R Reynolds may have risked his very life by posting this information.  The MIB will probably be at his door within minutes.

  6. There is no such observatory as "the Alaskan Observatory that monitors changes in our Earth's astronomical figures, that are fed to the US Government". The US Naval Observatory does that job. See the source.

  7. >>The red planet which is a brown dwarf (unborn star) can be seen in the night sky as a red cross..<<

    Over a century ago, astonomers noticed that Uranus was out of position. They calculated the size, mass and distance of a body that might be perturbing it, and when they pointed their telescopes at it there it was. They called it Neptune, and it was exerting its influence over a distance in excess of a *billion* miles.

    Now, I can see Neptune, which is a mere 4 times wider than Earth, at about 3 billion miles from here, with a modest, 4" telescope. I can see Jupiter, the size of which is reckoned to be the *lower* limit of a brown dwarf, with my unaided eye. I can look up positions of planets using predictions made in some cases centuries ago.

    Now how, exactly, is a brown dwarf entering our solar system and affecting Earth without perturbing anything else with its gravity and without being visible to anyone except this observatory? What of other observatories not under the control of the US government? Why can't I see it just by looking up? If it's visible from Alaska it's visible from the UK. So where is it?

    >>Unannounced to the media branches, and kept secret by the government<<

    WHICH government for heaven's sake? Are you seriously suggesting the US government has total world control? And even if they do, how do you keep a bloody great PLANET secret?!

    You've really never taken the time to find out what you can see in the sky and what you need (or don't need) to see it, have you?

  8. Who has come to that conclusion exactly?  Please show us where they published it.  And what the coordinates of 'planet X' are so that we can actually see it, because we've been monitoring the sky for years - you'd think someone would have spotted an extra planet by now.  Especially a close-by star - that would be huge, and extremely massive - it couldn't have escaped our detection.

    Eri, astronomer with access to many powerful telescopes and under no obligation to tell any government about any observations she makes.

  9. All right. "can be seen".....

    Co-ordinates please.  

    Or in other words... PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!

  10. I am an amateur astronomer--- please post the coordinates for this so called Planet X --- our 16 inch club telescope should be able to easily resolve it-- and then I can claim credit for the discovery-- I of course will mention YOU in my documentation.

  11. Give us the names of the scientist who found it  and coordinates where we could see it.

  12. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    oh god i really cant laugh enough.

    planet x would be the third brightest object in the sky, next to the sun and the moon. it would be very hot, shine extremely bright in the infrared, and be very noticeable.

    it doesnt not exist. it began as a mistranslation of a sumerian text referring to jupiter.

    go spread your lies somewhere else douchebag.

  13. Funny how the "Alaskan Observatory" doesn't seem to be listed, and funny how none of my professional colleagues have heard of Matthew R Reynolds.  Who he? Changes in Earth's astronomical figures?  What figures?  As a professional astronomer, never have I heard such unmitigated garbage.  You say " You do the math".  What math?  And what is macro evolution?  Also, if 90% of the people of Earth are to die in 2012 because of, and I quote,"incredible overpopulation", the existing world population had better get "at it", it's only four years away.  The reason "the masses" believe Nibiru/Planet X doesn't exist is because it doesn't!

  14. i'd say that most of the people don't want to believe. it's more like a psychological problem of the masses. besides there were so many cases in the past which made people not to believe NASA or some other astronomers... whatever it is, i believe too that is coming but as you said, the chances of the date can't be 100% accurate. so if someone keeps convincing themselves that it's another of the public prating then they'll never believe in the truth. well, i personally want this thing to happen. because i'd feel much better to know that the nature is trying to destroy us. not god and what's most important... something is destroying us before we do it to ourselves. best regards

  15. Do you have a link or reference to this research? The masses will continue to remain skeptical until they are given some real data about Nibiru. I repeat once again my request for the current coordinates of this object so that I may observe it myself. I'm not a citizen or resident of the USA, so am not subject to suppression by the US one in the Canadian government is competent enough to suppress me (or anyone else). Just give me the coordinates, and I will post my observations far and wide.

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