
Why do the mets always choke?

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Why do the mets always choke?




  1. The Mets Suck and the Yankees blew their chances for the Playoffs deal with it.

  2. they choked one year. you cant expect them to win every game. and when they lose the phillies are capatilizing. theres a difference between choking and losing some games

    love, phillies fan

  3. They haven't choked this year so give it a break, they only lost one game today and you're already on them. Last year was the only time the Mets have ever choked in their history.

  4. they lose 3 games in a row and they can't stop losing because they don't believe in their teammates enough, they need to play paintball or something that they have to rely on each other for and have faith in each other, then maybe they'll learn to trust each other, or get a manager with great leadership skills.

  5. The only time they choked was last year.

    The Yankees did in '04, the Red Sox did in '75, '86, and in '03, and the Cubs did "big time" in '69, but even that wasn't anything like the Phillies in '64 and the Dodgers in '51.

  6. Because they don't have any real play-off experience and there shortstop Reyes is all about being cool and not playing the game.

  7. Don't be so pessimistic. Whenever you think your team has problems, just think, "Well, they aren't the Cubs!"

  8. Let see...other than the fact that they have the worst bullpen in the league? That pretty much sums it up. A bad bullpen that can't preserve leads often spells disaster, hence the chocking of the Mets.

  9. They don't chew their food.

  10. Ha Ha the Mets lose one game and their fans are already ready to push the panick button...Take an easy man you can't win every game.

  11. they don't choke.

  12. Always?  In 2000 they didn't choke against the Yankees, there were some well fought games that just went the Yankees way.  In 2006, there is no accounting for how Beltran took that pitch.  It's 3-2, 2 out, bottom of the 9th, bases loaded, down by 2 runs and you just watch Wainwright's curve ball?  

    Last year was a true choke.  The Phillies weren't that good.  This year?  If they choke, you can blame the bullpen.  No doubt the Daily News and Post will.

  13. It is there penance for coming from behind and winning the pennant from the Cubs in 1969, and the Red Sox in 1986, They sold there souls to the devil those years , and are still paying

  14. No "breathing room". -The Yankee's being so near by- takes all of the "oxygen out of the area..."  :)

  15. because all new york baseball teams suck stop trying to buy championchips !!!!!!!!

  16. IT IS not over,the N.L. EAST DIVISION will be won in the month of september with many,many division games with the nats,marlins,braves,mets,and phillies battling each other.There is a spoiler team in there somewhere.......the NATS,,,,

  17. What???? Oh yeah You must mean recent? What about the World Series 1986????????????????? Not a Mets fan either. Go Redsox.

  18. A little bit poorer than the Yankees.

    They will choke this year because Phillies will get hot later and blow them into space. Mets won't make playoffs.

  19. The Mets don't have a real leader in their club house so when things start to go bad nobody steps up and does anything, people just start blaming other people and things just continue to unravel until it all falls apart.

  20. there muffins who dont chew there food

  21. Because their the Mets thats why.

  22. Because it's in their history. As said in the 1960s, they find new ways of "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory."

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