
Why do the not so well off people get frowned upon and the stinking rich walk all over us.. ?

by  |  earlier

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if there is a problem with the world i tell you its greed and not many thoughtfull people left there all out for thereselves , step back peeps and take a look at what we have become feel free to have your own say but i for one is cheesed off at the world and the people that are destroying it our world...feel better for that..?




  1. Frankly speaking, it's the American way!

  2. We've got the money and that buys insulation from the common folk. It's really nice, much nicer than you see on TV!

  3. Well i came from an upper middle-class family, well-educated in exclusive schools in our country & raised well though I live in an impoverished country wherein 70% of the entire population are poor. I'm self-confessed snob because i don't trust strangers in our area & aside from that most poor people that i encounter on the streets are criminals or syndicates, very lazy, rude & uneducated who do nothing to improve their lives.  However, i don't act snob whenever i encounter hardworking good-mannered poor people here.

  4. Its just the way the America is today.We're the greediest race on the planet.  

  5. You sound angry (cheesed off) and it appears you feel impotent. Additionally you appear to be minimally educated. (Run on sentence and poor punctuation.) This is the one country in the world where people like myself, can come from a dirt poor back ground, and make something of themselves. I am now in the position where I can exercise "snobishness", even though I prefer not to. You on the other hand, would prefer to remain poor and blame the rest of the world for your unfortunate situation. Without trying to be a snob, I feel sorry for you. In plain English, "Get off your lazy *** and work to get ahead".

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