
Why do the omnipotent gods have such human emotions?

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Why would I need to please an omnipotent god?

Wouldn't that be like an ant worrying about pleasing me? and why would I care?

Why would a perfect god also be vengeful, jealous or any other range of human emotions?

That doesn't sound like perfection




  1. This is his planet. He can cry if he wants to. Cry if he wants to. Die if he wants.

    You would cry too if it happened to you.

  2. It's because they were all invented by imaginative (read: superstitious) people, and propagated through fear and ignorance.

    If there is actually some kind of 'supreme being', 'creator', or 'god' in the universe, they don't have anything to do with the characters in various religions 'holy' writings.

    That much is for sure.

  3. Man were created in the image of God. Man has free will, reasoning and emotion, just like God.

    It is not God having human emotions but it is human having God's emotion.

    If being vengeful is a sin, why do police hunt criminals and bring into justice?

    Being angry towards sin is not a sin. Being not angry towards sin is a sin.

    God created us therefore he owns us. It is not a sin to be jealous for something that we own. Jealousy becomes a sin if we are jealous for something or someone which is not ours.

  4. We were created in his image. You don't like people do you? I personally think most of them are fantastic...even those who I do not agree with.

    What's wrong with emotions?

  5. you've obviously been decieved by the bible.

    god is an absolute being and therefore can not have human qualities. thats anthromophism, where humans apply humane characteristics to god so its easier to digest the idea of god.

    God created humans and they're qualities, so its unrealistic for an absolute being to have such qualities.

    God doesnt need you to worship him, you need to worship God.

    please please do not get your idea of god from the Bible.

    Quran is the best sources.

    i've converted because of the flawed preceptions of christians.

  6. You may not be worried about an ant unless, of course, it bites you! But I'm sure you would be worried if your dog didn't show any emotions. You would immediately take it to a vet.

    What about your children (if you have children)? Are you interested in them? We are God's children and He loves us more than a parent can love his/her children.

  7. ah ya see they should put that question on the SAT test see how many people can solve it  

  8. because they are made up by humans. It's not like god told anybody that he was jealous. what a rediculous concept, God is JEALOUS!??!? he created the freakin universe (if you believe that) why would he be subject to such a petty human emotion? rediculous!

  9. Obviously, they were created by humans. Humans made GOD in their image and not vice versa. Perfect things become imperfect when it is in the hands of the imperfect.

    Unless these gods are simple higher divine beings who have yet to transcend themselves and beyond.

  10. We humans just love to personify everything!

    BTW, did your first account get zapped?

    [[edit]] Well phooie.  I'll be adding this new account to my contacts if that's cool with you.

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