
Why do the people in Iran who demonstrated at the British embassy hate the British so much?

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If the roles were reversed and we had captured some of their Navy, do you think we would be throwing rocks and firecrackers at the Iranian embassy in London and holding plackards up with "Death to Iranians" written on them?




  1. Considering its the Holiday period in Iran and the whole country would be having fun and not watching the news i would think by the poor numbers outside the Embassy that they were employed by the government for propaganda!

    Did no-one else notice how many of the students had grey hair?

    Fill a street with 200 people then tell the world the whole country is behind you!

  2. I think it very unlikely we would.

  3. that's the proplem in this country we say and too little

  4. They hate all non-muslims and anyone who is civilised.

  5. because they think we are after their oil and I cant think of the Iranian navy sailing up the English channel. Why are we out in those waters?

  6. Because so many times the hate is increase for bad governmental actions to trought the media and intelligence services  on the media . News so many times are manufactured by Iranian regime and brithis regime .

    England history has so much lies over historic facts and often they are mixed with nationalism and wars won .

    England people is  imprisoned on a mystic jail and may be never will can to have liberty .

  7. Why the British went to their water on the first hand? If you Cross the line between you and another country you have to take responsibility for your action.

    Why all the sudden we talking and defending the British sailors? how about if Russia was spying on us and enter our water. What we should to them. Let them go. According to the maritime law countries in conflict has to ask permission before crossing.

    For the Iranian standing and shouting front of the British embassy that's their right because they're not admitting their mistake. they should apologize ti Iran and sent comity to work out a deal before matter escalated to worse.

    As a human and religious person please stop judging people from their religion we should judge people for their action. You don't know how much some Muslim Irani are suffering from their regime.

    Don't put all the fish in one basket, the fresh one and the nasty. As the new generation we shouldn't hate anybody and we shouldn't use other people action by misjudging them for their religion. We need to stop that. After September 11 all American are talking bad about Muslim people. how about Christian who's raping children, killing young student or murdering their parents. Are they terrorist. are they crazy christian. Please stop misjudging other people religion and refer to them by their country of origin or as crazy group.

  8. Everbody is an infidel to them even other muslims of a different sect. They really hate the movie "300". So I am assuming that they are hating the Greeks a little bit more today. Go Spartans!!!

  9. these people are brainwashed. You can get the same effect if you call up an anti-Bush demonstration- huge crowds of wild eyed, hate filled lunatics. For whatever reason the conservatives never seem to get worked up so much

  10. They are brainwashed saddos.

  11. The demonstrations are organised by the Iranian government. They allow no freedom of speech whatsoever. At least we are allowed to demonstrate against our own government should we want to.

  12. Don't know much about Iran do you? They were ordered to be there. They have no choice to protest or not.

  13. People in Iran actuallyhave a great deal of respect for the British. If you look carefully at the footage of the film you will see that there are only about 100 people there and most of them are having a laugh. They are paid to do this bythe cronies. Do not blame a nation for the actions of a government which rules by the gun....

  14. probably paid for by the pathetic Iranian government. some will do anything for a couple of pennies

  15. Mostly pointless military posturing and bravado on the part of the Iranians.   Doubtless some kind of rent-a-mob organised by the Iranian mullahs at the British Embassy for the cameras and not representative of the population at large.  Don't give the incident a second thought.  They're just playing with us to see how far they can take it and what kind of publicity they can court, not just in the west, but the Arab world at large - being seen to stand up to the west is a good thing, but they'll back down eventually once they've milked it for all they can get.

  16. Maybe it's because our previous century of foreign policy towards them has done little to work in their favour?

    Or could it just be that they recognise the sound of sabres rattling when they hear it (axis of evil... etc)

  17. Because they are told to.

    Thats what Islamic brainwashing produces.

  18. More to the point what do you think would happen if we demonstrated outside the Iranian embassy in doubt we would be hung drawn and quartered....they all hate us yet they all seem to like living in our country

  19. Perhaps we should hold a (peaceful) demonstration outside the Iranian embassy in London?

  20. They're bored wth pissing off America. They saw an opportunity to say the war is wrong, and have a justification for their protesting. This is a little too much though.

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