
Why do the pipes on my air conditioner freeze over?

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Usually during the night or really hot days (102 hot) the pipes and sometimes the hole air conditioner unit (the little Black thing in the fan on the roof) freeze over. We replaced the filter already and I tried to insulate the pipes to see if that would do anything but it doesnt. I swept the stuff out of the roof unit and lubricated the roof fan and brushed the coils with a small brush but its still freezing, what can I do?




  1. Check the Freon level to see if the freon is low and if it is the AC unit has the capability of freezing over.  And the coils MUST be clean, because if they are dirty air cannot flow through them.  Hope that helps =]

  2. Yes, dirty filter. or cloged inline dryer. with a air condition gauge set. there is a point in the system were the freon changes state, that is were the united start to freeze up. the sysem will need to be opened, best to call a repair man. Do you wash out the condencer and evaperator. I have dah window units do that and had to take then out side and realy clean then out, there was black stufe in the fins, they make a fin cleaner in a spray can that realy help, I would put them back in and they work well, about every year. And make sure the drain are clean out

  3. Just clean the unit. Freon is okay unless there is leakages in pipes.

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