
Why do the pro McCanns get so aggressive & abusive over there protection of them ?

by  |  earlier

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im not saying all do but there is a high % on here who do, why do they feel the need to do this do you think ?




  1. I dont protect the McCanns.....Defend them against the witch hunt that this has become, yes.

    Kat, Is it only neglected children that get abducted?

    Sarah Payne, Ben Needham, Jamie Bulger.......were these children all neglected as well? Are their parents guilty of poor parenting?

  2. Because they wish to reduce the debate to one of infantile name calling and personal insult,Manna from heaven for the Labour party AKA Clarence Mitchell.

  3. In a word BRAINWASHED

  4. Because they cant admit their heros are child neglectors.

  5. I am amused that you think it is "pro-McCanns" who are aggressive.

  6. I am neither pro nor anti the McCanns, but it really upsets me that people are so influenced by the gutter press - one hint of negativity and people jump on the band wagon.  What makes me 'passionate' about defending the McCanns is that we are supposed to live in a society where we are innocent until proven guilty, however because of the appalling, borderline illegal, press coverage this case has received the McCanns (guilty or no) will have to live with the suspicion of guilt hanging over them for their whole lives.  That is just wrong and those narrow minded people who can't see that should expect to receive aggressive and abusive responses to their views - it was after all the same mindset that allowed Hitler to power and the ensuing horrors.

    Be very very careful in committing yourself to such negative mindsets - it may just come back to haunt you one day.

  7. because they are insane like their heroes

  8. maybe they have dark secrets as well

  9. Maybe they follow a similar lifestyle that includes leaving babies alone on holiday while they themselves party.  The sort of lifestyle that is causing the rot in family values and the disintegration of society as a whole.

    It is really themselves they are justifying - not the McCanns.

  10. Looks like you got some aggressive rhetorical answers to your question!

  11. Because they have been sucked into the smokescreen that focuses all the attention on the parents and away from finding Madeleine!!!!

    They simply cannot see that the McCanns are unique as the only parents of a missing child to refuse to answer police questions or take part in a reconstruction this they shut down the investigation!!!

  12. Because the 'pro-McCanns'  are desperate !  They have nothing to support their arguments with...   so they.... rant.... aimlessly.... through the streets of despair...  seeing the truth staring them in the face....  and knowing not what to do or say.... so they become...   abusive...   'cause the best form of deffence is....  abuse !!


    " thebigka..."  --- we ask questions with no substance.... LOL...because we seek.... substance, LOL !


    "BigRedRi... "  and in criminal law, it is called evading, interfering with the course of an investigation, refusing to cooperate (what the McCanns are doing, I mean    :-)

  13. you call it protecting them??

    I'd say it's more having a different opinion to yourself

    sounds like you're the one with the problem, not anyone else :)

  14. Because they are afraid of looking foolish when the girl's body is found.

  15. in psychology that's called "Projection"

  16. Why are anti McCanns so abusive and aggressive in their hate and rumour filled rants about the McCanns? Provocative questions with no substance and little truth are bound to rile people up with half a brain.

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