
Why do the republicans keep beating us over the head?

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With the following:

1) quips about OHIO and MICHIGAN (key states for the republicans to win) that involve helping poor and middle class worker keep their jobs when just the opposite is true (the are likely to lose their jobs).

2.) Obama is all rhetoric and no substance. Have you ever seen such a shameless attack on Obama by one person (palin)? Isn't it safe to say the reason Obama has barely attacked Mccain at all is because he is Black and people are pretty much straight up racist?

3.) Mccain is a war hero.

We get it, he was locked in a cage.

I want to point people to the following link in which even a former soilder in arms talks about why MCCAIN is not fit for office owing to his service in the military

Is the fact that MCCAIN was a war hero a reason to elect him to office? Do we have to do this with every war hero? Is this the 1950's all over again? Is Mccain really a Maverick or are they just trying to appeal to all the rednecks and "cowboys" (cowboys no longer exist, havent you heard that song "where have all the cowboys gone?") ?




  1. Why do the republicans keep beating us over the head?

    You answered your own question. Do we have to elect Obama because hes half African? Do we have to watch and listen  to Biden spew his 30 plus years of doing nothing?

    Why do the republicans keep beating us over the head?

  2. Well the fact is that the Republicans are much better at the game than the Democrats. It does not help either that when the Democrats were finally able to get some power in the 2006 congressional elections, what have they done? NOTHING!!!! They did not do any of what they promised about the corruption, the Iraq war, helping the middle class, holding the administration accountable etc. They always find some excuse to do nothing. As far as the Veterans, look what they did to Kerry in 2004! The Democrats are really more out of touch with the people than the Republicans. Thinking that a good orator like Obama is their best candidate might again loose them the elections because McCain's better political advisers have well counter punched with the selection of Sarah Palin. You may not agree with all of her politics but you must admit that she is a fresh face and a real firecracker. The Democrats may come to regret that they did not support Hilary for the nomination. I am sure that Hilary Clinton would have beaten John McCain for the Presidency but I am not so sure that Obama will although I think he is a good and honest man and would make a good President if elected. I  think that the Democratic political  advisers are more out of touch with the average American than are the Republicans. The anti government, fear monguering Republican message seems to simply sell better on the population. May be we are to dumb to see through it and it is why we get the Government we deserve!

  3. and Palins daughter is pregnant. see? it works both ways.

  4. That is because Obama *is* all rhetoric, he has no accomplishments and one only has to look at his time as a Senator. I know the truth hurts, but it's still the truth.

    For all his talk of "change you can believe in," he has done nothing as a Senator to for fight change. In fact, he hasn't done anything as Senator. Not a d**n thing that shows him to be a leader.

    Has Obama fought against the status quo? No.

    Has Obama fought against government waste? No.

    Has Obama championed any causes? No.

    Has Obama introduced or even been part of any major legislation? No.

    Has Obama tried to promote the end of partisan politics? No.

    Has Obama been willing to break from party line? No.

    Obama has done nothing.

    McCain has fought against the status quo and government waste. McCain has also been part of major legislation and McCain is one of the most bipartisan Senators.

  5. After all of the beating that they have been put through over the past few years, some retaliation is well-deserved.

  6. You act like McCain was only a war hero!  He has way more experiance than Obama, as well as his VP Pick.  You are such a hypocrit for asking why are we bashing you, when all that the Democrats do is bash us!  Oh My gosh!

  7. Apparently, we have to.

  8. Democrats keep handing them the club.

  9. Is this your first presidential campaign? This sort of stuff has been going on since politics was invented.

    1. I suppose you probably missed the democratic quips regarding Ohio and Michigan. Why do you think the DNC held their get together in Denver? They are trying to win voters in the predominantly "red" west.

    2. You answered your own question. Obama IS all rhetoric and no substance.  His acceptance speech was sorely lacking in specifics, even though he had to know that even his supporters are wanting to know what all the CHANGE is going to amount to.

    The only people that are using the obnoxious racist handle are the Obama people themselves. McCain has never brought Obama's ethnicity up.

    Nobody cares what color he is. If he were a conservative republican, I'd be voting for him. Just drop the whole racist c**p, you are only doing your argument damage.

    3. It's not a news flash that there are some former soldiers that are willing to say or do almost anything. Even the armed services have members that are democrats. Cherry pick the ones that have a left wing point of view. It's almost like being in the media isn't it.

    The fact that McCain is a bone fide war hero is not reason enough in itself to elect him President. It's just a bonus. Barack Obama has virtually nothing in the way of qualifications, except for being great a public speaking.

  10. 1) No one wants to be /stay "middle class".  The poor want to climb through it to riches and the "middle class" don't want anyone to keep them there.  That is the American way.

    2)  Obama has not "attacked" McCain because he doesn't have the standing to do so.  And he knows it.

    3) Yes.

  11. Because  "YOU JUST WON'T LISTEN"

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