
Why do the rich a famous go overseas to adopt when we have children here waiting to be adopted?

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are they doing to be put on the front page of a newpaper like one movie star said when i will adopt it will be a child from this country i beleive the children here are in need for good homes how do you feel about this and would you like to bring joy to our children here in need?




  1. to boost there celebrity status and get back in the spot light

  2. I wish I knew the real answer.  I think its like you said, they get more attention if they adopt a foreign child.

    I think adoption is a beautiful, wonderful thing, so I have nothing but respect and love for anyone who chooses to do so.  That goes for both ends of the spectrum.  Women who choose to give their babies up for adoption, rather than killing them, have all my love, support and respect.  Its gotten too easy these days to just walk into a clinic and rid yourself of your "mistakes".

  3. Because the children are more easily available.  It is still very expensive though.

    If you are referring to Brangelina, the idea was to bring attention to particular countries.

  4. They love the media attention....Angelina and Madonna got way more attention then Sheryl Crow about their adoptions

    They feel by adopting around the world they can "Prove" to everyone that they are not Racist

    They want people to think that they are putting their money to "good" use....(even though they still spent $400 on an outfit for a baby, when the orphanage would love donated clothes)

    They are self centered and they just want the attention...thats is the major reason!!!

    I just wish they would try and maybe just "Sponser" and orphange in other parts of the world they would be doing more good by helping a bunch then by adopting one...but it would be nice to see a positve adoption from the US...maybe they could adopt foster kids and things like that...they need parents too!

  5. rich or not it's cheaper to adopt overseas, less waiting perod and less red tape.

  6. Do you know, that American's attitudes towards charity is rude?  If you go over to a third world country and help their people and their children, they're grateful and happy.  Now, you do something good for the poor or downtrodden in America and what do they say?  Well it's about time.  I'm not saying that it's better to get an international baby than trying to save the ones here, and it is a publicity thing, but it's so much easier to give to those who aren't going to throw it back in your face and try to make you feel bad for not just giving and giving all the time.  Hmmm, let's stop worrying about what the stars do and do something ourselves.  Be a foster parent, adopt a kid, do big brothers and big sisters.  Who cares about the movies stars, they have money and they waste it, nothing new.

  7. Well you have to remember that not a lot of people who are in trouble or don't want the child don't  want to give there child up for adoption and it is really hard to get a child from the u.s. because of that. They would rather have a abortion and kill the innocent child then help out a family in need. Or they would rather keep the child for selfish reasons like living off the government because of the child. Also people want babies/infants not problem children that have been around from place to place. not children that have been abused and need special care the "problem child".  You know the children who's birth parents drank like a fish or did drugs or the child was abused. So they either have birth defectes or they have emotinal problems.

    I think it is also a lot eaiser to get a child from a forein country because there are lot of babies waiting to be adopted out and they probley feel there doing a good thing since a lot of adoption agencys overseas are poor. and yes it costs the same as a regular adoption.

  8. Sorry to burst your bubble but people not excluding famous people adopt children from other countries to provide them with a better life. People travel to different countries and fall in love with the culture and people. Famous and Rich people have a better dispossition and they have the money to pay for an international adoption.

    Someone like myself cannot affort to adopt either domestically nor internationally.

  9. Part of it is that they want babies. There are a lot of children here to be adopted, but most of them are NOT infants. Infants go very quickly. Meanwhile, most of the children waiting here to be adopted are troubled children, and although celebrities want children, they do not want troubled children that are going to require extra care and extra work and extra effort. For that matter, MOST people who adopt have the same feelings. It is not really celebrity-specific. The difference is that the celebrities can afford to go to other countries and get what they want. In the case of certain celebrities (Jolie-Pitt, for example), it also helps bring awareness of issues they are interested in, like the plight of Africa. But most celebrities simply do it to make sure they can get as young a child as they possibly can. The younger the child, the more influence you will have over it.

  10. That's a really good question. I've been asking that for years. And yes, thay go overseas as publicity stunts. To up their tv and movie ratings. And yes I would love bringing joy to the hearts of kids that have had gloomy lives.

  11. That's a really good question that no one seems to want to ask.  There are a lot of children here in need of a good home.  There are also a lot of older children in need of good homes.  People are afraid that if the child is older and understands that they are adopted then it wont be the same.  Our son was 6 when we adopted him and have a wonderful family life.  We love him as our own and he loves us just the same.  He is now 13.  We have talked of adopting again we are still young

  12. Maybe it is because the guidelines for adoptions in this country are much stricter than they are in other countries.  Face it people like Angelina and Madonna are not exactly the most moral people in the world and it could be that they know that due to past actions they would not be premitted to adopt a child in the U.S.

  13. Because they wanted a baby and that is how they are building their family.  It is usually quicker and younger infants are available (but it is not less tape or less expensive).  Everybody get over it already!  By the way, have you adopted domestically?  Do you have biological children?  If you have biological children, why did you have a biological child when so many children are already here needing a good home?  See my point.  You get to build your family without judgement, let others do the same.  By the way, the standards for adopting oversees are actually tougher:  You must meet your state guidelines, USCIS guidelines, and foreign government guidelines, so to the person who suggested that it was because they couldn't qualify here, they did have to qualify here.  People, have some clue what you're talking about before answering!

  14. Other people besides famous ones have adopted from other countries. I believe they want to help out because those people live in such deplorable conditions. No running water, no food , diseases because of no vaccines killing children daily, etc. I think they see it that our country takes care of children through foster care so children that need parents here are not as in need as those from other countries. I am not saying I agree with this but it seems to make sense as to why they do it. I too believe they should start here. But they probably don't want the hassle of the children's birth parents coming back at some point causing problems or wanting money. Very little chance the parents of children from other countries would want the children back or be able to make trouble for them.

  15. I agree with her..and you.

  16. I doubt Angelina and Madonna adopt for the purposely oversea, it looks like they has a particular bond and connection with that special child, you really can't help who you choose to fall in love with

  17. Orphans in your country do better than orphans in other countries.

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