
Why do the same people say hi sometimes, but other times just walk in without greeting me?

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This puzzles me. A lot of my acquaintences will say hi to me on some days, but not bother to greet me on other days.

I figure if I know someone, I greet them each day I see them. But a lot of other people seem to have some weird system that I don't understand. When I say hi to them on some days, they respond as if I said something that wasn't necessary. On other days they greet me first.

I'm confused. I don't think it's because they're moody, because generally they seem in just as good a mood when they don't say hi as when they do.

To me, greeting people I know, once a day, is just a normal and appropriate thing to do. I feel it's rude not to. What am I missing?




  1. Dude, I was was thinking the same thing as you a while back. Then I thought, the best way to change this in my mind, logic & social stuff is to always greet 1st. As soon as you see some one with your eyes, you greet. Hey, hello! You will take care of, or help 50% of all poeple incounters that come your way! The 1% that don't resond to your greeting, may be ***'s that you must foregive. Don't count on every person feeling as sure as you.

  2. maybe they're having a bad day?

  3. maybe you did something they don't like? you know, like "oh my God, he ran over a cat, i hate him!" things like that, you know..and the next day they probably got over it already. hee.. why don't you ask them themselves. or it could be someone spreading rumours about you and they figured it wasn't true.

  4. Human behavior is wierd isn't it?

    I always step back and remember when someone doesn't act the same one day as they did before, it's not always me.  (I mean there's a bigger picture than it's all about me.)  They might have something much bigger on their mind.  People get distracted and hurried and their life is busy just like yours.

    Sometimes at work I feel like I am there sooo much that one day to another just blends together.  I will go into someones offfice in the morning and just start off with a conversation --- and the person will be like "good morning to you too".  And then I have to say "sorry, I just feel like I just saw you!"  It is almost commical sometime.  I am not trying to be rude and certainly not doing it intentionally, but it happens.

    People are busy, distracted and focused on other issues.

    Don't take it personally!  Some day you will need to just walk on by and not be able to say hello and give a proper greeting.  Then they wil wonder about you!  lol

    Let it go, its not you.

  5. In my job, I greet many people every day, most of whom I see repeatedly every day. I believe the reason they greet me sometimes and not other times is because they're mind is worrying about other things and even though you say something to them they're too mentally side tracked to acknowledge you.

  6. all you can do is just say Hi regularly and they will get used to it. because what you're thinking of doing is totally well mannered. and plus, doing what your "acquaintances do is just asking for an awkward situation. so eventually they will acclimate themselves and warm up to your greetings. its not that much to worry about. i always like to be friendly, its a win-win situation!

  7. it's that hat.

    it freaks people out

    no really, just a cultural thing I'm sure.

    If it makes you comfortable, say hi everyday as you keep walking and expect nothing back-then you satisfied both needs

  8. I'm like that...I don't find it necessary to say "hi" every single time I see them. Usually I just smile or nod as I pass by them and I don't intend to start up a conversation. If I intend to start a conversation, then obviously I would say "hi"...however if I don't feel like talking to them at the moment, I just smile or nod (unless they say hi to me, in which case I would say hi back). So don't take it personally if they don't say hi.

  9. I just dont like to say hi...i feel that theyll talk alot...or i just dont see the need in saying hi

  10. there shy tired or dont speak english

  11. I think its just cos you see them every day. I do that. Its whether i can be bothered. If i feel quiet or i just don't feel like talking. Also sometimes it can feel forced. A forced hi may as well not be a hi at all if you know what i mean. So i guess its that you feel comfortable enough not to bother with the small talk all the time. I mean obviously tho if you say it first they should say it back or its rude.

  12. all i know is that you need to get laid...BADLY. this is not something you should be worrying about

  13. There is no need to greet every single person you know when ever you see them.

  14. I think it depends on how you got bought up. I know some people say hi to me everyday and some than never do.

    Also i know some days i'm not in the mood or it just doesn't cross my mind to say it.

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