
Why do the same people spend all day hanging out at motorcycle dealerships?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I go to a motorcycle dealer its always the same people there hanging out and blocking the front door and watching and following around all the customers and watching what i'm looking at and buying.

I know they don't work there!

Why can't dealers throw them out?

Do dealers know they are bad for business?




  1. well the only bike dealership i've saw do that is harley davidson and when you get into that harley davidson click, you are in it for life , everybody knows everybody

  2. Joe, why cant you kick them out, spit on their boots, slap their faces, call them pu$$ies and just generally beat the c**p out of them.  seems that you might have missed your calling.

  3. they posted that exact same question about you just last week here

  4. They need to get a life.

    And dealers leave them alone because they are

    (1) repeat customer

    (2) give work of mouth advertising when they talk.

    Good Luck...

  5. That's another stupid Moe B question. Why don't you ask yourself that question? It seems to me you are one of the people you are talking about.

  6. Hmmm, maybe it's because they want to associate with people who can talk motorcycles.  If they're wanting to talk about chopping an old knucklehead, it's unlikely they're going to find anyone interested at the local Jenny Craig meeting.  Or a tent revival.  Or a rock climbing event.  But then again I could be wrong, am I missing something here???

  7. why do the same punks hang around mc donalds,the corner store, ect, day after day ?

  8. How do you know they're always there unless your always there too? Maybe they hired them just to annoy you hoping you'll stay away.

  9. Window shopping wanabes-Ask them a tech question they will leave

    Even here at my shop there is a few I dont mind them but they aint in anybodys face either I think they just like being around bikes and-or nothing better to do

  10. Well joe B, dealers these days r just too busy to care,

    I took my kx 125 back wheel in yesterday for a new tire,tube and rim lock and they were so busy it took them 1hr 15min which should have only taken 15,

    as long as window shoppers arnt jumping on bikes or taking them off stands they just dont care

  11. How often are you going that you notice the same people ,Maybe they think the same about you

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