
Why do the sports broadcasters on TV whisper during golf matches?

by Guest60553  |  earlier

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Poll: Rocco or Tiger?




  1. The dude who answered first is right. I thought Rocco was going to get it done.

  2. Because golfer's are timid creatures who cannot perform if even the slightest noise is heard.

    I'd like to see Rocco win, but I think Tiger has it.

  3. If you are referring to the broadcasters in the booth, they don't, but

    on course reporters whisper because they are only feet away from the player.

    Like to see Rocco but Tiger will win.

  4. good question i always wondered. i guess golf is a quiet game that requires concentration.

  5. Tiger and they whisper to not disturb the golfers!

  6. The more necessary question is:

    Why doesn't someone yell "GET IN THE HOLE!" after EVERY shot, instead of every OTHER shot?

  7. rocco's coming back

  8. So they don't disturb the players.Tiger

  9. They don't want to upset the birdies?

    I haven't been keeping up enough to know who stands a better chance.

  10. easy question there so they wont be disturbed ever why they are thinking about what club they are going to useare how they are going to hit the golf ball in the hole

    tiger +1   rocco +3 right now on the 12th hole

  11. LOL...  I Agree with The Corinthian; Golfer's are timid creatures who cannot perform if even the slightest noise is heard.

    Tiger, Hands down...  LOL...

  12. duh.. some of those broadcasters are walking with the players..

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