
Why do the swimmers in lane 4 seem to always win

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Why do the swimmers in lane 4 seem to always win




  1. All swimmers are seeded based on their times or rankings. The first answer gives the correct seeding lanes. This is also the same for track/athletics.

  2. The fastest goes in the middle, or 4th lane.

  3. Because all of that swimmers waves hit the other swimmers so they go slower

  4. The people in the olympics are placed in lanes by their times.

    Lane 1: 7th fastest

    Lane 2: 5th fastest

    Lane 3: 3rd fastest

    Lane 4: fastest

    Lane 5: 2nd fastest

    Lane 6: 4th fastest

    Lane 7: 6th fastest

    Lane 8: 8th fastest

  5. Because they put it so that the person in lane four is most likely to get the gold. and the 5 and 6 have the bast chance and silver and bronze ect.

  6. Because that's where the fastest swimmer in the event swims.  

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