
Why do the the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

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Why do the the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?




  1. The Rich are Educated and the Poor are Uneducated.

    The Best Tool to escape poverty is education.

  2. I'm a firm believer that the answer to poverty is -- education. Having a formal education ups the anty of success. I'm not saying it guarantees you a fulfilling job or instant wealth but it surely has proven to better your chances of both. There are exceptions to every rule of course, but when people have proper education they are less likely to become a teen pregnancy, more likely to eat a better diet, and more likely to seek out and get the higher paying jobs thus moving themselves out of poverty and into a higher income bracket.

  3. because the rich make money faster then the poor can spend their money and also banks when someone gets a over draft usually the poor the money goes to the rich person who has a big CEO account or over a million dollars or what ever.

  4. Because the rich use their wealth to invest into their companies and businesses and thus, their wealth grows.

    The poor only complain.

  5. because the world is run by a bunch of rich elitist b*st*rds. it's going to h**l because of it

  6. it's sad, but soo true ..if you have money you gain power which in turn gains you respect... and if people respect you and your authority you get money.. idk

    check us out=]

  7. If one person can invest $1,000,000 dollars and someone else can invest $1,000, the return is very different.

    If Investment does well, and has a 10% return, the first person gains $100,000 while the second gains $100.

    Doing exactly the same thng, the one who has the higher amount of disposable income gains money faster than the one who starts off with less.

    And despite what has been stated earlier, being educated doesn't make you rich.  There are a lot of poor people with masters or doctorates.  That is just a stereotype that educated people with money have to convince themselves that being poor can't happen to them.  They are educated, and work hard.  If the economy takes a downturn, the guy laying you off won't care. There will always be someone as good or better willing to work for less.

  8. It may be true in some scenarios, but it is not necessarily the poorness and richness that causes it. First remember that rich people pay not only more taxes, but also a higher percentage of their incomes than poor people. This results in two types of stress. The first type of stress is that of poor people complaining and worrying about not making sufficient wages. As a result, they don't work as hard and get poorer. The other type of stress is rich people losing the money that they worked hard for, so they work harder to get a more sufficient income. It may sound discouraging, but ultimately when you think about it, it is true, and the wealthy people are not doing anything wrong.

  9. Because life sucks sometimes. :(

  10. Because Robin Hood got shot.  D=

  11. Because the richer keep working harder and the poor keep being lazy relying on the government.  I'm not rich or anything, but I realize the truth.

  12. Because the rich invest and work hard, while the poor spend and complain.

  13. Because the poor people who claim that lack ambition, and would rather sit around moping and complaining about being poor than actually going out and making a decent life for themselves.

  14. That's how the system was made to work.

  15. haha

  16. physics answer is kinda like, "a snowball accrues more snow as it rolls down the hill" ... moneyball then

    a big dirt ball will just break up until it gets smaller and smaller as it roles down it's "non snow hill" ... the poorball

    but honestly, making money is the easiest thing in the world, once you learn how to do it (at least in america still) ... it's much like gardening ... if you can plant seeds in a garden, you can plant investment seeds just as easily

    it's like riding a bike, once you learn, you never forget ... any bum "that knows how to get rich" can make himself rich again in a matter of weeks .. maybe months

  17. The same reason the rich are that to start with.

  18. We know that ,God gives us mind, soul , feelings.....etc..

    but man use his mind to earn money by any way !

      POOR PEOPLE can do better work than rich people

    bcoz they have too much stamina , pateince,,...

    I want expaln this by example : when a poor boy have something spectacular & he done well job  then  at the time of admisson he cannot get admission becoz rich people buy  

    seat of admission

                    The main fault is tht INDIA is courrpted in all field

           becoz of bad thinking,bad soul, money, requirments,

  19. It is because of the economy system principal that very cruel like capitalism. This always happen in a CAPITALISM country.  The term capitalism means the sovereignty of capital, a free and unrestricted economic system totally based on profit and where society is in competition within these criteria. There are three important elements in capitalism: individualism, competition, and profit-making. Individualism is important because people see themselves not as a part of society, but as "individuals" standing alone on their own two feet. "Capitalist society" is an arena where individuals compete with one another under very harsh and ruthless conditions just like that described by Darwin, where only the strong survive, where the weak and powerless are crushed and eliminated.

    According to the logic capitalism is based on, every individual–and this can be a person, a company, or a nation–must only fight for its own development and advantage. In this war, the best producers survive, the weak and incompetent are eliminated and vanish. What is seen as worthy of attention is not human beings, but economic development, and goods. For which reason the capitalist mentality feels no ethical responsibility or conscience for the person whom it crushes underfoot and climbs on top of and who has to live in great difficulty. This is Darwinism put into total practice in society in an economic way.

    By proposing that it was necessary to encourage competition in all areas of society, and announcing that it was necessary to provide no opportunities or support for the weak in any field, the foremost theoreticians of Social Darwinism prepared a "philosophical" and "scientific" support for capitalism.

    In the view of Herbert Spencer, the main theorist of Social Darwinism, who introduced the principles of Darwinism to the life of society, if someone is poor then that is his mistake; nobody must help this person to rise. If someone is rich, even if he has acquired his wealth by immoral means, that is his competence. For this reason, the rich man survives, while the poor man disappears.

  20. because it takes money to make money

  21. None of the answers above (I skimmed, so sorry if I missed it) mentioned the rise in the income gap, which has contributed to "the rich getting richer." Skilled workers are in much higher demand in the U.S. than unskilled workers, and the trend is shifting that way more and more. When demand exceeds supply for anything, the price for that commodity will rise. The "price" for skilled workers is their compensation. Demand for unskilled workers, in the meantime, has fallen, and hence, so has their wage.

    Note: Just take for example, back in the mid 1900's and later you could get a great job just with a high school diploma. Why? Demand for unskilled work was high, hence wages for it were high. The U.S. economy has undergone a structural shift, moving from a durable goods focus to a service focus. Durable goods involves unskilled labor, services involve a lot more skilled labor. This explains the demand changes for the two types of worker.

    Hope this helps.

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