
Why do the things we want the most have to take so long to obtain?

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Why do the things we want the most have to take so long to obtain?




  1. Because the things we work the hardest for are the things that we appreciate most.  

  2. So we can appreciate them better.

  3. Patience; a theory of:

    self-gratification is defined by as  "indiscipline with regard to sensuous pleasures".

    Sensuous pleasures would also translate to "things we want the most".

    Indiscipline is a lack of discipline.

    Patience according to

    What is patience?

    Patience is the ability to:

    Let go of your need for immediate gratification.

    Display tolerance, compassion, understanding, and acceptance toward those who are slower than you in developing maturity, emotional freedom, and coping abilities.

    Accept your human frailty in the pursuit of personal, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth. Accept the set backs and reversals inevitable in your quest for personal growth.

    Believe in the concepts of permanence and commitment. Be calm and considerate as you handle the growth issues in your committed relationships in marriage, family, career, community, or church.

    Hang on to a relationship when trouble arises that may take some time to resolve.

    Feel peace, contentment, and satisfaction that you are on the path to recovery and personal growth.

    Temper your enthusiasm, energy, exuberance, and excitement after you have experienced a renewal of spirit, received revelations or insights.

    Accept the non-enthusiastic reception of others to share in your ``new found truths.''

    Accept that there is no need to rush yourself or others in facing the challenges of emotional growth.

    See that overnight reformations are rarely long lasting; gradual change and growth have a greater durability.

    Feel relaxed, calm, and placid as you face your daily schedule and the challenges it presents.

    Believe that your day to day efforts, sacrifices, and changes are building a new edifice of a whole person with healthy self-esteem.

    Feel satisfied with the use of the Tools for Coping tools in a gradual reshaping, rebuilding, and remodeling of yourself into a confident, secure, trusting, loving person dealing in healthy communication, and self-actualization.

    What are some negative consequences of impatience?

    By being impatient you can:

    Run the risk of always being dissatisfied, upset, and angry at yourself for your slow pace of growth and change.

    Sacrifice friendships and relationships prematurely because the other person is not changing as quickly or as thoroughly as you desire.

    Ignore all of the positive gains you and others have made on the road to recovery and growth, only concentrating on what has not yet been accomplished.

    Become pessimistic about life, seeing only the ``half empty cup'' rather than the ``half filled cup.''

    Be in such a hurry that you neglect to count your blessings and see how far you have come.

    Become overwhelmed by the large tasks ahead of you and lose the hope and motivation to keep on trying.


    The negative aspects go on and on.  I only listed a few.  

    So there are negative outcomes for lacking patience.  Play a game of chess; impatience loses the game.  So lets view chess as life?  Chess is a game that is practiced, learned, takes patience, requires sacrifices, requires skill, etc etc etc

    Chess can be compared to life in many ways.

    In conclusion we all play the game of life everyday.  By waiting and developing patience one can improve his skill in the game of life; thus the answer to "Why do the things we want the most have to take so long to obtain?" this is simply a fact of life; a rule shall we say.  If you choose the path in life that leads to self-gratification (perhaps stealing a Lambourghini) rather than the path that will take "patience" to find your way (saving to buy the Lambourgini) then that is a path of life you choose.  However my moral obligations tend to lead me to the path that will take a little longer but eventually lead to a better outcome.  

  4. Because the most valuable things we have are the things we give a way.  When we focus on the things we want, we are never satisfied, so the next possession eludes our grasp.

    Or sumpin like dat.

  5. Do they? Are they obtained at all? The things we need we do not have to obtain, we have. Must it not be, then, that the things we want are not the things we need?

  6. Because shipping is a beeotch. It takes a long time for goods from China to get to America.

  7. An egg which you watch takes longer to boil.

  8. Because if they were easy, you'd already have them

    or not want them "the most".

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