
Why do the vast majority of kids from divorce live with the mothers not the dads? can the child pick which?

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Why do the vast majority of kids from divorce live with the mothers not the dads? can the child pick which?




  1. unless the mother is proven to b unfit and unable to provide for the child/children as they need the court automatically places the children with her because of her maternal instinct..

    its wrong because theres alot of fathers that can provide better and they have to fight harder for their rights...

    a child can choose who they want to live with when they reach their teenage years..but they have to go through the courts...

  2. Im divorced and my kids live with me and im the dad. I think far too many guys just dont want the responsibility that comes along with the kids or feel they cant do it by themself or something. I dont think its an "automatic" thing that the women get the kids.

  3. Because usually the court system always find the mother more fit to raise a child, unless you are Britney Spears.  Very rare that the father gets the children, even if he makes millions of dollars and would be able to give them a better life than the mother, she will still get the kid with a hefty child support payment.  I don't know the exact age, but i'm pretty sure it's different per state.

  4. my parents got divorced and they chose that my sisters and i had to live with my dad. but i always wanted to live with my mom. so the courts said when i was 12 i could choose who i wanted to live with. i ended up staying with my dad and now i am glad i did. the courts had to prove my mom was unfit at the time or she would have got us. the courts do favor the mother more than the father.

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