
Why do the women on Fox News always dress unprofessional? ?

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I was watching Fox News this morning, and Megyn Kelly was talking about an intern that worked for her all summer long. So the intern was asked, what she learned this summer? I thought to myself, "she learned how to wear short skirts". I mean seriously, do all of the women on Fox news have no decency? I mean about 98% of the women on Fox news wear short skirts, and its just trashy for a supposedly professional network. What do you think?




  1. They are trying to relate to the common person. It's their audience. They would have a harder time trying to control your thoughts if you felt they were alien to you.  

  2. dude who cares.

    there is nothing wrong with what they wear.

    maybe you should stop dwelling on stupid things like that.

  3. They do for the same reason CNN has the ones that dress like s****s.

  4. it's a conservative thing

  5. You are obviously a democrat.

  6. Do you also notice that there is not one dowdy, plain looking woman on that channel (or basically any others)?  They are all beautiful, young - middle age, well spoken.  I watch that channel every day and never noticed what they wear, just that they all have the beauty gene in them.  But then on the other hand, on our local station they hired a "plain jane" girl to do the weather and the first thing I thought was "she needs a makeover".  They did just recently do that and she looks so much better and is easier to watch.  Sad to say, but true.

  7. Its very simple

    s**y provocative clothes = more viewers = more money

  8. Kinda of sad when even the news has show off women to get rating , also whats this say about what kind of women they are ???

  9. They have to draw viewers somehow.  And they all claim they are devout Christians.  Never saw anyone in Church wear a skirt that short or any woman who was a Christian wear a skirt that short.  They'll do anything for ratings since everyone has caught on to their "fair and unbalanced" scheme.

  10. if that bothers you, you should never come to Europe. The women newscasters here in Hungary wear super short skirts and show as much clevage as possible.

    They have wild hair styles and sleeveless shirts on.

    One tv personality was 8 months pregnant last summer and was still wearing see through low cut tops.

    I have gotten used to it now and when I go back to the states I think everyone is over dressed on the news shows.

  11. HI

    I'm taking a cheap shot at a news station that has different beliefs than I do while failing to see that all news networks and local nwes stations have women who dress the same way.

    Thank You

  12. In the measure of class fox is slightly below average.

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