
Why do the young people of the USA criticize the leadership of the USA?

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when it was such leaders like the present ones that have fought so hard to preserve the freedoms that you all continue to enjoy, everyday?

If you don't like what our government is doing, then do what being an American means, VOTE them out of office, why don't you just do this and not complain so much?




  1. Complaining attracts others who are dissatisfied and encourages them to join us in complaining.  Redress of grievances is a hallmark of our system.  We wouldn't have it any other way.

  2. Let me answer the last question first. Young people understand that Voting really does not make a difference anymore. Do some research before you slander me and report me. The elections of 2000 and 2004 were both mired in controversy. The voice of the people was not heard, and many abuses were uncovered, from broken voting machines in heavily democratic strongholds, to having a fake terrorism alarm in Ohio, effectively removing all checks and balances during vote counting. (source

    As far as the first question goes, why do young people criticize our leadership? They understand the implication of the way this administration preserves freedom. They complain vocally because when your vote no longer counts, you only have your voice to use.

    As for the preservation of freedoms you speak of,  I am not sure we are talking about the same country where freedoms are still in place. Ever since the terrorist attacks on 9-11-01, our civil liberties have been systematically removed.  This started with the USA PATRIOT Act which gives the Government unprecedented power to monitor the activities of its citizens, without warrants or probable cause. The removal of civil liberties continues with the passage of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 which gives the president power to call any US citizen an "enemy combatant" and removes the right of Habeas Corpus, even if it is only for open opposition to his ideals. The slaughter continues with the passage of the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 which authorizes the President to mobilize armored troops (National Guard) to "act as a police force in response to a natural disaster, a disease outbreak, terrorist attack or any 'other condition'."

    What does this all mean?  Well the freedoms you so proudly speak of go like this.  I am against the current administration (or any future administration) and communicate my discontent to several friends. We decide to order a peaceful march in Washington. The FBI happens to listen to my conversation (or orders a copy of my electronic communications) through application of the Patriot Act. They then come to my door in the middle of the night and arrest me and send me to a military prison in Cuba where I am tortured (that is also allowed now), they remove my right to trial because I have been labeled an enemy combatant by the President. While I am in prison, the protest goes on as scheduled. The Michigan (or wherever) National Guard is mobilized to Washington (over the protest of the Governor of Michigan) and the President declares Marshal Law. Does this sound like a fantasy? Read the laws and understand the implications of them. The current status of our government is that it is very near a Fascist State. This President or any in the future will have the ability to exercise their power and effectively declare themselves Dictator.

  3. Because there is plenty of reason to and because they can.  

    I am sure they will vote.  But most votes are bought and paid for with false advertising and mis-information by people with money.  So it is important that the voice of dissent be heard, to shed the glaring light of truth on the steaming pile of spin coming out of the mouths of many elected officials.

    Why are you criticizing citizens who are exercising the very freedoms that you seem to revere so much?   Rather than call for them to stop, why don't you answer their criticism with why it is not valid.  There is no debate when you simply silence the opposition.  Without debate, we will certainly all lose our freedoms.

  4. Blame the parents boss

  5. The truly young of this country CAN'T vote, idjit.

    And the 18, 19 year olds didn't vote in the current regime.

    Plus, if you don't like people speaking up for what they believe, get out of the US, cause you just don't fit in.

  6. Some of us who do complain ARE voting! Not that it makes a difference when certain people mess with the votes and help themselves right into the white house though.

  7. These are people who have learned that if you don't get your way, scream, kick, yell, cry until people eventually get tired of them and let them have their way just to shut them up... Poor upbringing.

  8. What freedoms?  This forum question is probably being flagged right now!

    Why do citizens complain?  Because they're tired of elitist, secretive, cobwebby old out-of-touch Ivy-Leaguers legislating personal beliefs into federal law!

    Voting is not what it means to be an American.  Freedom to privacy & freedom of speech, along with the pursuit of happiness, ARE.

  9. I AM A VOTER!

  10. Young, dumb, and full of ***.  All young people think they know everything, when in reality they know nothing.  I was the same way many years ago and I think that everyone goes through it.

  11. Can't blame them when they were living in misery out there.

    It was blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past being expose in time in the new millenium after the mystery of us-911.

    When they too were having communication problems.

    Now that we know the faults.

    Just try and correct the blunders for them before leaving with time for the good of mankind so all the little ones can continue on living in time.

  12. Because these young americans like myself are intelligent, smart, sensitive, opinionated, aware and most especially, have sense of Justice in their Minds and Souls that they reject the evils of the American Government in doing to other governments, discreetly and or otherwise, just to serve their own interest.

  13. 1. Young people are not the only ones who criticize our elected leaders.

    2. Civic participation does not stop once you've voted.

    3. Some people are paid to advocate for or against laws, funding, ordinances, and to influence our elected leaders in some fashion. Fortunately, in the US, expressing opinions on these things is not limited to these paid lobbyists.

    4. Our form of government doesn't work very well if people remain silent.

  14. I think many of us who are complaining do vote.  I think it's the job of all Americans to question what our elected officials are doing with our money and service members.  It's not that black and white.

  15. Criticism is an extremely important part of the process that helps Americans understand their government which results in informed decisions WHEN it comes time to vote.

    By the way:  the hate is coming from the right through their radio and TV organs.  The righties have a hundred times the number of radio stations pushing conservative venom than the lefties have.

  16. The young have grown up in a world where their mommies always wiped their...uhhh.. noses for them.  Then, once they move out, they expect someone else  (government) to take over the wiping duties.  Anything to avoid growing up and taking personal responsibility for their own destiny.

  17. They criticise because when people get into office they change things that they say they're not gonna change. The things that they limit the younger generation on today is getting ridiculous. Things that we got to do when we were younger was fine, they think it's better for the younger ones. We're not dead yet or it didn't corrupt US.

  18. Because they are still children, and they know "crying" will get them attention.

    A true grown up can debate political issues with out the name calling and hate coming out of the left now.

  19. Its deserved critisicm. When did Bush break a sweat? When he fell off his bike after a couple shots of scotch?


    "If you don't like it, VOTE. Don't whine, don't threaten to move to Canada, VOTE. So you get knocked down, so you lose a fight. You gonna just sit there on the ground and cry or are you gonna get up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?"

    Might want to ban electronic voting first.

  20. I am a teenager who can't vote yet but I see the problem with the hypocrisy of the youth in how they blame the goverment but don't vote to change it. I disagree with this goverment and would vote to change it if I could. The problem I think is that they treat the goverment and its leaders like their parents. We will complain all we want but in the end our parents still get their way. They don't realize yet that they are adults and have a say and can influence things. you can really blame us though this is the first time that when we complain we are actually listened to.

  21. The point our asker is trying to make is that while freedom of speech is a right, voting is a civic duty. Too many people don't vote and then whine because the candidate the people who DID vote gets elected.

    Our founding fathers spoke some very eloquent words, but they backed them up with action. Twice the whining people have (by either lack of majority or lack of action) come out short in the presidential election.

    If you don't like it, VOTE. Don't whine, don't threaten to move to Canada, VOTE. So you get knocked down, so you lose a fight. You gonna just sit there on the ground and cry or are you gonna get up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?

  22. You're so naive. Do you really think your vote matters.It is all an illusion to make you think your making a choice. The REAL power behind the scenes in this country, has already decided who will be president, without any help from the sheeple. Do you think it was a coincidence that both Kerry and Bush just happened to be members of Skull & Bones ?

  23. Vote early Vote often. This is the W way.

  24. Whoever is in power, young and old Americans will complain and call the attention of the government officials regarding their grievances. That is the essence of democracy.

    Voting an elective official out of his office means we have to wait for his term of office to expire. Meanwhile, we have to deal with the way those public officials run our government.

  25. Its not just the young people who critize the leadership.  Most people in the government are corrupt and liars and are only looking out for themselves and their special interests.  Money talks in the US government.  Our founding forefathers are rolling in their graves at how this government is run.

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