
Why do the younger Fans take the insults to their favorite Wrestlers Personal?

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I notice thata fans ranging from 10-16 take insutls to theri favorite wrestlers personal.

I hear alot of people running their mouth about Bret Hart, but I am Okay with that becuase he has proven himself.

Why do people get hurt when people dis Cena, Hardy, or Punk.

I mean come on, all of us are entitled to our own opinion and have a right to express our dis-pleasure for certian wrestlers

how many of you older fans like me notice alot of the younger fans take wrestler insults personal




  1. I personally don't really care. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  

  2. People within that age range are generally not emotionally mature. We were all 10-16 years old once; we should know how it was like, with hormones and all.

    I am turning 19 this year but even then I can still remember what it was like to be that age. It's annoying, but cut them a little slack. They will probably learn later on in life that not everybody thinks like they do and will learn to respect and even appreciate other people's opinions.

  3. I don't really care for most opinions here...

    But look at some of the things people say to each other.

    -"John Cena's fans are little kids and horny teenage girls"

    -"All Jeff Hardy fans must be on drugs to like a druggie"

    -"You must be g*y to like this wrestler"

    Seriously, COME ON NOW. What kind of nonsense is that? People should be mature enough not to idiotically taunt each other just because they like someone you may not, People that hate Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, and John Cena have crossed the bar of dislike and have insulted their fans a lot more than they should, thinking it's cool to be e-thugs in the Wrestling Section.

    **starred**, hoping you see my point.

  4. I dont perticuarrly like bret hart but i like cena and hardy

  5. becuz they love them

  6. i dont get it either. i mean, im 15. but i dont take sh*t like that personally. plus, i get hate mail from cena fans whenever i say somethin bad about him

    i like that u posted this

  7. LOL .. They must ,since the wrestler gets booed out of the arena . I find it pretty funny  




  9. im 21. i take the insults to heart because these people are human beings who don't deserve it. These wrestlers mean a lot to me and i learn a lot from them. Jeff and Cena for example. they've proven themselves and a lot of people don't see it and that bothers me. i guess i can relate to them both a lot. it does bother me that people like them get disrespected and don't deserve that. i guess when it comes down to it...its a big pet peeve of mine when people don't listen or pay attention. i've told people how great cena is for years now. and people still don't see it. yes they can have their opinion and all that...but when people become immature about things...thats just going way too far. and when people talk about jeff at all...i get defensive. i can't help it.  

  10. I get annoyed at stereotypes such as

    - Only horny fifteen year old girls like Cena.

    So when that kind of question comes up, I defend mainly myself because while I am a fifteen year old girl, my reasons for liking Cena are not so shallow.

    I get annoyed when people constantly rag on Jeff for his suspensions because it's just an old tired question that doesn't need repetition. People should give him credit for trying to quit.

    Basically, I don't take it personally, but I am going to defend them.

  11. I don't think they take it personal, but that's just me. Everyone has their own opinions though. I came up with an answer to your question though : Because they're trying to proove the other person flaming against them / their favorite wrestler wrong. The person who insulted usually doesn't give a d**n... because their ego is soooo huge they wouldn't admit they were wrong even if the evidence was in front of them.

  12. Well I'm 14 almost 15 and I don't care if someone insults my fav (Undertaker). Sure its annoying but I don't care unless it is completely untrue. People have their opinions. Mostly becuase some kids, and I have met kids like that, are being basically a Cena mark or a Jeff Hardy mark or watever their favorite wrestler is mark. They believe that they are the best and nothing is wrong with them

  13. Because they are too young to understand that they are probably completely backstage when not in character.

  14. they think they know everything and that their opinions are always true facts

  15. OK first, if you're a Bret Hart fan, you don't take 1% of the c**p that Jeff Hardy or John Cena fans do.  There's a few wrestlers I've noticed, who seem to be almost beyond reproach on here, and Bret Hart is certainly one of them. (Along w/HBK, Undertaker, Flair, Owen, a few others..) On the other hand, I see stuff on here every day about Jeff's DOG, about Jeff's HOUSE, about Jeff's DRUGS...what does this stuff have to do w/Jeff's in-ring ability?  I think that sort of stuff is what irritates Hardy fans of any age.  Cena fans have to listen to "blah, blah, 5 moves.." at LEAST 200 times a day...that must get old at some point too.  Im not a Hardy fan or a Cena fan, I'm just answering the question.  It's not the "quality" of insults that bug these fans, its the "quantity" and personal nature of the insults.  Thats all.

  16. I agree that we all have our opinions.

    I'm also 14. Not all young wrestling fans are immature. It depends on the person themselves.

  17. There kids there just emotional. I remember I used to be that way when people told me hogan was better than bret hart or ultimate warrior.

  18. maybe because thwey think the insluter are being mean  

  19. Mainly because there young everyone who's young gets offended when you say something about someone or something they like I bet you where that way with your music & clothes & so was I. But in time you learn to roll with the punches & not get offended so easy when people say things you don't like

    It's all apart of growing up

  20. I'm 13 and I don't take insults personally. I actually noticed that. Most people find it offensive that people are dissing their fav. wrestler when it's just an opinion being expressed. Some users don't realise that people can think and say whatever they want. Like you said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion

  21. I've noticed it, but I can't say that I didn't do that when I was 10-16.

    Most people, from young children to mid-teens, are kind immature about that kind of thing, and that's no offense to anyone in that age range. I was the same way when I was in that age range. A lot of people told me how much Diamond Dallas Page sucked, and I got mad about it. Now that I am 26, I don't care.

    I think it's because they haven't got the grasp that all some people do is talk trash, and it doesn't mean much at all, if at all. Experience teaches all, and eventually they will mature.

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