
Why do the youth in general not look towards the wisdom of some elders, and learn from the mistakes of others?

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Why do the youth in general not look towards the wisdom of some elders, and learn from the mistakes of others?




  1. Because "youth" is full of pride. They are so full of life, so full of themselves, and all they want, they forget that the very things they are educated in, the same things that make them smarter than their parents, more advanced than their grandparents were taught to them by people of the same generation!

    If I saw you walking down the rail o a stairway, and walked up to you and said..."hey, you're gonna fall and break a leg. I know, I did it too." Would you listen? I truly doubt it. You'd want to try, to see for yourself. If you didn't fall, you'd say, see, I knew I could do it. If you did, you'd ask why I didn't try harder to stop you.

    Also, there is the societal angle to it all. AGE, the dirtiest word in the language today. Everything is look young, stay young, act young, dress young...what a load of c**p!!!!! I'm proud of my age, proud of the accomplishments, proud of the fact I actually survived the stupidity of my youth. So, why would any self respecting youth want to listen to anything I have to say? After all, I'm old. My God, I'm 50! Why would anything I say have any value to them? I didn't grow up plugged into games, calling my friends on cell phones, sitting in front of a computer asking others to do my homework for me. Sheesh...what do I know?

  2. No offence intended but its just my view-

    The biggest teacher is one's OWN life experience, so what we face, any failure/success, makes more impact than what we hear from anyone(even "elders" for that matter )!

  3. Cause " I  want  it  NOW!!!"

  4. because the youth is very stubborn and they want the world to listen whatever they say  

  5. You are really true in your assessment that the young people do not easily learn from the wisdom of our elders.

    I have seen different variety of youth. Some youth pick up soon when we give them inspiration and enthusiasm.

    Some youth learn only when we get angry with them.

    Some young people learn only when we use rough methods like beating, etc.

    Some youth learn by bartering. I mean if you tell them that you will get them their desired object like bi-cycle, etc. only if they complete their tasks.

    I feel the young people are not serious about it; that is why they do not learn from the mistakes of others.

  6. good inquiry man !

    apparently , only the wise has the ability to learn from others mistake !

    the "youth" , including myself , have to learn the hard way!

    one reason could be generation gap in terms of technology , but little do we know that technology is growing faster then we can keep up with.

    its a disaster in the making , its on its way ! !

  7. Youth often follows the ideal that "it wont happen to me..." theory of life which tends to deafen one to the experience of others and so, rather than learn from the experience of others they are doomed to repeat the same sadly with often devastating effects.


  9. there's very few left of us.

  10. Its simple  the youth think that they r more advanced ,more educated  that their elders.

  11. That's sort of true in Euro-North American-Australian culture, where from an early age we absorb our cultural values of rugged independence and individualism, competitiveness and analytical problem-solving.

    In other cultures, children absorb values of collective effort, tradition, and cooperation within the group.  Children in these high-context, high-collectiveness cultures are more likely to accept lessons from their elders.

    Personally, I try to learn from the mistakes of others; that way, I don't have to feel the same pain that they did.

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