
Why do these people in oxford not protest when islamics speak about hate & destruction of westerners?

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It happens in 100`s of mosques around the country.




  1. it is beyond the understanding of acedemics .

  2. It's because the future of the country rests in the hands of people that think the freedom of speech should only be a privilege of the people (Fanatics) that want to destroy mankind in the name of a teddy bear PrIcK$

  3. because they support it:

  4. Because there are people who take pride of their Oxford University within their community. For after all, Oxford University, not only is it a true believer of scholarship, but prides itself as truely committed to the values of high quality teaching within an environment of internationally competitive research. You just can't know what your enemies do by just by protesting. You observe what they do and get better idea where you should go from there... politically. Protests are nerely for the brainless whiners! :-)

    Don't forget that Oxford and Cambridge were once prevented by Oliver Cromwell, the chancellor of the university from 1650 to 1657, from closing down down by the Puritans, who viewed university education as dangerous to religious beliefs.

  5. I wish Mr Irving would speak at a meeting for holocaust survivors with the numbers tattooed on their arm and perhaps have some personal contact with the idiot and let him and Nick Griffin spend  a few months living in the same conditions that were experienced in Germany's concentration camps

  6. I don't know randy...but medication is good...right?

  7. If such Islamics were given a platform (and I certainly wouldn't be surprised if they already have been) by the Oxford Union then people would protest. The Oxford Union has been host to several, perhaps many, alleged murderers in its recent history. Hence O J Simpson was allowed to use one of the most famous universities in the world to speak to the Union after the 'Not guilty' verdict. Whether he was innocent or not (and a later civil case says he was not innocent), how predictable (I would say odious as well but Oxford Union might like that they have aroused 'passion')  for Oxford to use the notoriety of the case (and the deaths of 2 people) as a hook for a Union debate. If he had lead a relatively blameless life as a sportsman and actor the Oxford hypocrites wouldn't have touched him with a bargepole. They're just 2 bit showmen putting on a Victorian freak show, not on any quest for truth.

    The Daily Mail reports that the 'Oxford Union Debating Society said it was important to give people of all views a platform'. If this was the case then they would allow any Tom, d**k or Harry to speak there and to study there.

    Irving's denial of the Holocaust may be a distasteful Descartian exercise but Oxford University is, it seems to me, just as distasteful as it hides behind this wafer thin veneer of history and 'freedom of speech'.

    By the way, parts of Oxford, even in the centre, are relatively bland and even ugly compared to some other historic cities in the UK and, although it would be romantic to think otherwise, the brightest, most exciting, minds are actually spread right around the world, many of whom haven't been, or felt the need, to go to university. If you look at some Oxford alumni over the years it can sound a magical place but they are still the exception, not the rule and Cambridge is arguably the equal or better of Oxford.

  8. like we got a lot a wets in power.bnpc18gottaalot right+ENOCH POWELL.

  9. Because that's not trendy enough for head up their arses Oxbridge types.

  10. Probably because they are scared to, we don't want to affend our muslim friends now do we, i got a pet pig and i named him Mohammed by the way.

  11. If you are referring to the protests taking place at Oxford Uni about the BNP leader being invited to talk, then the reason they are protesting about that is because it is happening at the university itself, so the uni students against this are protesting. But if Islamics speak ill of westerners AT their own mosques well that has nothing to do with Oxford Uni students, it is not directly affecting the university it self, and there for they do not protest.

  12. When in History did the Muhammadans ever keep their word ? They can never keep a promise to any one other than another Muslim. Our protesting falls on Deaf ears, so  as long as we have labours policies of Appeasement .   Muhammadans simply love that?

  13. if 'as most people say' nick griffin is just an uneducated simple minded thug. then what is every one worried about? afraid that he might actually make sense?.....afraid to face the truth that he 'in fact' is a university man himself and a sight more capable than most MPs in the labour don't choose who has freedom of speech and who doesn't. (we have the BBC to do that) you let the man talk. and you listen.  as for the other guy...well all i can say is most Muslims do not except the holocaust. and most Muslim leaders deny it. so how come they!! are allowed that view and yet this guy isn't??? you cant choose who will and who wont!! have the right of freedom of speech. every man has the right to he's own opinions.

  14. too busy hiding their teddys....

  15. Decode this lyrics " Say you say me"


    When their ATM reads " Out of service"

    Luke 9.60

    Getting themselves kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past in not worshiping God in climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life in kicking the butts of God.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

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