
Why do these random things make me feel depressed?

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Lots of weird things make me feel depressed lately, like listening to my ipod, the olympics, facebook, calling people, reading a book, and I haven't been in the mood to do art which once was something I loved. I don't know if I'm really depressed because I laugh and dance a lot and seem cheerful on the outside. Could I have some kind of depression or what is the deal?




  1. they arent making you depressed; you are depressed so you do not enjoy them. try to figure out any mental anguish or stress youve had to deal with lately, thats the source.

  2. I would highly advise making an appointment to see your doctor, and see what can be done for you. Certainly, lack of enthusiasm for interests along with a general malaise can certainly be a warning sign of depression, particularly if it is coupled with self-harming thoughts, change in sleep patterns, etc.

    I wish you the best of luck. But I would not rely on the internet to get a confirmable diagnosis.  

  3. Mood swings.

    It seems everyone suffers from 'depression' nowadays. Most people just confuse feeling down everynow and then to chronic depression. You're a teenager, it's natural. Everyone gets teenage melancholy.

    Being 'not in the mood' to do something is not depression. Being tired constantly, finding no joy in life whatsoever and seeing no future is depression. The bad side: you'll feel a bit sad for a while. The good side: it'll pass.

    If you laugh a lot - even if you say it's on the outside - it can't be entirely false.

    Good luck anyway, but I shouldn't worry about it.

  4. i feel the same as you alot of things make me depressed for no reason at all

  5. i think you should get a boyfriend. :)

  6. I suffer from depression and girl it sounds like you do too. You should talk to your doctor.

  7. Have you been feeling like this for long? If its been a while, say for longer than 5 or 6 weeks then it could be mild depression.

    You see some people think they are depressed when they only feel sad for a few days, sadness is a normal part of life but if its becoming a lifestyle as in encroaching on your daily life and if you have lost you ability to "feel good" it may be worth checking it out with your doctor.

    Part of being depressed is feeling like someone has switched off part of your brain, usually the part that allows us to feel pleasure and to enjoy ourselves, you can be smiling on the outside but crying inside your head.

    I would keep an eye on it and possibly have a chat with your doctor

    Good Luck!

  8. Probably depressed.

    How old are you also?

  9. could b pms. sometimes that happens to me but i find happiness in the one true place: the Lord!

    i hope u feel better soon! and always continue wat u love!

  10. Maybe you are just bored with doing the same things so often.  Maybe pick up a new hobby or expand on your art, by taking a class.  If you are a drawer, try a painting class.  Life can get to you sometimes, but it doesnt' mean you need medication or need a doctor.  If you find yourself like this for extended periods of time and for no reason, then you need to figure out what you are doing different in your a different diet, or less sleep, not happy with your job/boyfriend.  Sometimes you just need to change things up.  Anyways, you will know when you are severely depressed.  

  11. OMG MEEE TOOOOOOO i feel like sad over things i dont understand why they make me sad.

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