
Why do they always RUN??

by  |  earlier

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my longterm boyfriend ran away from me again.first time he needed a break-was having freedom.he came back, and found i was pregnant and is away again.the more i call him, the more he ignores me.when i stop calling he seems to be coming around, then when i start getting close again he pulls his best mate whom i always call has disconnected his cell on me.what do i do here??




  1. People run because they are confused (going through it right now with my wife). Some people are capable of handling life's issues and some simply are not. The best thing you can do is get off the roller coaster ride for your peace of mind. He apparently has some more maturing to do and more learning. When you are tired of it, I mean really tired, something will change.

  2. I am starting to understand why you ex hates you.

  3. Sounds like he is a loser... or immature... or BOTH... why did u get preggo with a guy like him? Escpially out of wed lock... poor child!

  4. In your case he knows he can get away with acting like that so he continues.  Quit calling him and when he comes around don't act excited or happy, or better yet, tell him to leave.  

  5. You deserve better.  A partner should respect you and love you. Just let this guy go.  After the baby is born, just try to get child support from him.  I would not continue a "romantic" relationship with him, even if he comes "around" again. Move on to someone who will love you 100%

  6. Leave him alone

  7. sue him for child support and move on with your life.  don't wait for him.  no security for you and your child.

  8. he does it because he knows no matter how poorly he treats you, you'll always take him back and give him s*x when he wants it.

    if you don't want his drama then don't stay with him.

    I can't say I blame his friend for turning off his phone.  The issue is between  you and your BF not him.  He doesn't want to be in the middle of your relationship.

    you have a guy who is going to be an uninvolved dad or a dad that you have to drag in and out of court, kicking and screaming to be even a mediocre dad, I'm sorry for your baby, but you picked the guy.  You wouldn't take a hint and dump him when he kept ditching you and now you're stuck with him for the rest of your lives because of the child you've thoughtlessly or selfishly created together.

    what you do next is decide if you are going to have the child, give the child up for adoption, or keep the child.  Once you've decided what you are going to do then you'll know what your next steps should be.

  9. I think it is pretty clear, this guy doesn't want a relationship with you and his poor friend doesn't either.

    You need to think of the words your going to need to apologize to that baby your carrying for your poor choice of a father for him. Shame on you for bringing an innocent victim into your messy unplanned life. What were you thinking?

  10. because you refuse to grow up and leave him alone. YOU are only making things worse~ what is it gonna take to get that through your head? You have been here all morning same questions same answers and yet you continue. Get outside and do something to take your mind away from this. You can not control another person, the harder you try the faster he will run. I am sorry. Work on yourself YOURSELF

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