
Why do they call Obama a "Black" candidate when he was raised White?

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I get so tired of people saying that Obama is the "Black" candidate.

1st. He went to Harvard people!!! Harvard is a historically White university. He didn't go to community college.

2nd. Only his skin is Black. He was raised by his White grandparents so he didn't do drug dealing, drop out of school, have children out of wedlock, or anything else associated with "Black" Americans.

So why are people stuck on the color of his skin. Just because his skin is Black doesn't mean that he is the "Black" candidate (especially since his biography has nothing to do with Black Americans)!




  1. I know if he stole your bike you would not describe him to the police as a white guy.  Your second point is the most pressing for most.

  2. Well the color of his skin may be an indicator......

    Then there is the fact the media continuously says he is the first black candidate to win a political party nomination

    Your point seems to be that he can't be  sucessful and black which is untrue and very bias............ though Rev Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would agree with you  as they see Mr Obama as too sucessful , too well spoken and too bi-racial -

  3. wow there is so many things wrong wit u jus said

    1. i can name about 100 white thats dumb

    actually more umm how many black homeless people u see?

    exactly not more then white

    2. i kno alot of white people that sale

    and all these white brawds out there are the ones that lay and sleep with anybody

    dont judge u racism b&^$*

  4. I think it's because of the color of his skin. He is probably the closest to a "Black" candidate American will ever have so the Black Americans are clinging to him.

    You are right though that his White education and family precludes him from being a legitimate "Black" candidate.

  5. Early on, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton said he wasn't "black" enough. I don't care. I'm not voting for him.

  6. They call him Black because his skin is Black. He may not have anything in common with Black Americans but Americans today are only concerned with the color of people's skin and not their character or background.

    Obama may be a good attorney but he doesn't have a resume for politician.

  7. It's because of his skin color.

  8. Because he is black,if there is any white skin on him we can't see it.Lots of black people go to Harvard and many upscale colleges.Yes his mother and grandparents on one side are white and he was quick to toss them aside,in favor of the black community so he is what he calls himself,black.I don't see a problem with that.

  9. The reality is he is called a black candidate because the current  rules if you have one ounce of black in you are considered black that is why he is considered a black candidate. Secondly just to let everyone know blacks are not the only people who have children out of wedlock and deal and do drugs. Next you are f***ing closed minded because not all black go to community college, I'll have you know that I have a law degree from Rice university and working on a MBA at Rice, one of the most difficult programs to get into and I have been in college since I was 16. If you haven't realized  other races do just as much drug so you can get that s*** out your head right now. you can't say he's a white or black candidate, he multiracial bottom line.

  10. Because his skin is black, he is the only man of color to probably make it as president. They consider Hillary a lady, cause she was born female, I like to call her something else.

  11. We should just stick to the facts.  Call him what he is.  A Muslim

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