
Why do they call abortion a woman's right to CHOOSE? ?

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What does choice have to do with it?

People use the cover-up word of "Pro-CHOICE", and make abortion seem like it is just all about the woman's right to CHOOSE. But since when did our country give people the legal right to choose to murder someone or not to murder someone? Is getting a gun and shooting your neighbor pro-choice? No, it is murder.

If you want the right to choose, then CHOOSE to use birth control or abstinence!




  1. Sorry I think the term fetus is a cop out when it comes to a baby..

    Some pro choices stand hard behind the "its a fetus not a baby"

    but seriously tell me the difference when both have a heartbeat.

    You can say that legally it is not a baby  But I would love to hear what some of you consider a baby to be..

    I believe that the choice is whether to have s*x or not. We shouldnt get the choice to fix Our mistake after the fact.

    (only 1.9% of all abortions are done because of rape or health concerns to the mother.... the other 98% is just a really awful form of birth control)

  2. Why are you asking this in the pregnancy section?  

  3. You are absolutely correct.

  4. this is sooo not appropriate to ask. you dont know why some people have to have abortions and few people do HAVE to due to medical reasons or how about if your raped. how would you like to go through life with a child that every time you look at him/her your reminded of the rape, personally if that happened to me i would give the baby up for adoption as i am pro life but some people just cant handle it. noone CHOOSES to be raped at least let her choose where her life will go after the fact.  

  5. It is up to the woman to decide what she does with her body AND not all birth control works 100 % of the prob shouldn't ask this question in this section anyway...AND some people are raped and there are lots of other reasons people chose to have abortions.....have some sensitivity and respect

    Where do you get these percentages from anyway?....Not that it matters really for this question

  6. Abortion,and,shooting,someone










  7. Personally, I agree with your opinion here, however, from a scientific standpoint, and someone pointed out, what we would call a baby, scientists would call a parasite, and thus legally, it changes things.

    Our anti-abortion opinions really don't make much of a difference when it comes to the law, and really I don't think they ever will.

    Interesting stats in the additional details though.

  8. i dont like the law pro choice i think the pro choice should be the parents teaching these kids to keep there legs closed and the boys  d**k in his pants. you have a choice to buy a condom you have the choice to say no you have the choice to prevent an abortion. these people  should chose to not abort there children. it can also mess up ur insides and when you oh so want a baby u may not be able to cuz you screwed up ur parts and that was your choice so dont cry when u cant get knocked up cry for the pain the baby felt when they put the salt stuff in there and they run from in or watch it when they suck out its lil brain. after there done with ur kid maybe they should suck out your brain as well not like you need it ur not using it.  

    all these women would die to have kids and cant or have misscarige after miscarrige and ur choice is to kill your kid well yippy tou you comited murder on you own child and will never go to jail bet that makes you feel like a real female hum  you wanna kill babies maybe they should staralize you so u cant have any more.

  9. Some people don't see it as murder.  They believe that a baby isn't a "person" until it's born.  Others believe that as soon as it has a heartbeat it's a person and therefore murder if an abortion takes place.  So it just depends on who you talk to.  

  10. y bring unwanted babies into the world, dont we already have a population problem  

  11. An embryo isn't a human being. Give me all that c**p about it's a life, it's a heartbeat, blah blah blah.

    By all scientific and legal standpoint, it is -not- a human being and therefore, -not- murder.

    A baby is technically defined as a parasite, and people kill parasites every d**n day. What makes them so different? Sure, babies turn out to be something cute, adorable, and eventually (Hopefully) productive.

    A woman has a right to extinguish a parasite in her life.

    Bring on the hate mail.

  12. Women choose to have an abortion for many reasons and no one takes the decision lightly.  Comparing abortion to murder is the most ridiculous argument a person can make. It only indicates how uneducated and ill informed you are.  

  13. a human and a fetus are not he same thing.  are country gave women the legal right to abort a fetus with Roe vs. Wade and i hate to burst your bubble, but that just isnt going to change.  so get over it already.


  15. you are very single minded.

    what you just said was your opinion and CHOSE.

    And in some circumstances you are not able to use contreception

    You are saying that if some poor girl gets raped and found out that having the baby would put her or the baby in danger or that the child would be born with a illness or deformity that would make its life h**l than does her choosing to abort pregnancy still make her a heartless person.

    People can decide for themselves.

    We have to accept people'sopinions.

    And I accept yours even though I don't necessarily agree.

  16. You have the right to choose what goes on in your own body. It is not pleasant and I'd love for no one to ever have to go that route but it is neccessary for women to have control over their own bodies. The next time you see a pregnant 14 year old who was taken advantage of by an older boyfriend, tell her she has to carry the baby to term in her underdeveloped body.

  17. i dont think an abortion question is appropriate in the pregnancy section.

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