
Why do they call booze, "spirits"?

by Guest55883  |  earlier

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And no, I'm NOT a Holy Boozer. Please answer the question.




  1. I believe I once read that it is because the liquor starts out as a mash, is fermented, and is distilled into the essence or "spirit" of the drink, which makes it much more potent and of a higher proof.

  2. Cuz it lets your spirit loose to have fun.

  3. When you ingest the alcohol you become warmed with the effects as if a spirit has touched you.  That's one of the reasons Catholics use eucharistic wine.  It helps with the symbolism of the sacrament.

  4. The spirit is the distilled alcohol.  I think the term was coined because of the way the distillate looks as it moves from the boiler to the condenser.  It kind of looks ghostly/cloud like.  

    The booze is what the spirits are used to make.  Gin for instance is generally made by first making vodka by distillation then re distilling it through juniper berries to get that traditional Gin flavor.

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