
Why do they call it. 'getting your dog fixed,' if it doesn't work afterwords?

by  |  earlier

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Why do they call it. 'getting your dog fixed,' if it doesn't work afterwords?




  1. ur joke is kinda funny, and few are actually seeing it as a joke as you intend it to be, but maybe u shouldnt try to joke around with the dog section lol.

  2. Now that's a question...

  3. Because it helps fix the terrible problem of the dog overpopulation where over a million are killed every year for lack of homes.

  4. why ask such a stupid question

  5. ur wierder than the last guy :P

  6. Like the old saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it LOL that's why I say get your pet spayed or neutered.

  7. the thing is..

    it is broken before you get it fixed!  The problem is.. it's over-producing..  there's far more supply than there is demand!

    So you get it fixed.. it stops mass-producing and the problem is solved!

  8. Ha ha ha

  9. Because it helps fix the pet overpopulation problem, that's why.


  11. lol good one, i feel you on that one --very funny

  12. Because they can't have accidents now!

  13. It's "American Slang".

    Fixing [changing/creating/making] the dog so that it can no long reproduce.

  14. I have a couple of male dogs that have been neutered, however they can still perform the sexual act.  The only difference is that they are shooting blanks and I don't have to worry about them impregnating a female.  Just a male dog "has been fixed" does not mean that they will lose that instinct to breed.  If a female has been spayed she won't permit a male to breed to her.

  15. If it didn't work, then your vet did something wrong and you should find yourself a new vet.

    From all your other questions, I think you may be a troll.

  16. Cause thats how god made it?

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