
Why do they call it taking a dump when you're actually leaving it?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sorry, is this NOT a special ed qustion?




  1. Because when you're done little weasels take it and feed it to you in your sleep. Hope this helps, this totally deserves a top answer. :p

  2. 'Cause you're taking it across the living room, down the hallway, into the bathroom and into the toilet!... Therefore you are taking it on a very extensive journey. The End.

  3. I never thought of it like that!

    I suppose it is like your alarm clock going off when it is actually going on.

  4. Inquiring minds want to know soooo, my guess is that you dont want to take it with you.

  5. MAN....Do You Need A Hobby...Or What....LOL

  6. George Carlin asked this very same  question.

  7. You are a philosopher my friend.

  8. You are taking your dump to the bathroom!

  9. this might help you

  10. You don't really leave it. You're carrying it everywhere you go so literally you're taking your dump all over the place. Until your internal colon gage reaches the full level, then you go make a "deposit". Interest varies with your curiosity.

  11. Why are you asking this crude question in the special education category?

  12. Because.... you're taking it and "dumping" it.

    Come on, is this question really necessary?!

  13. because you take it with you to the bathroom...then you dimp it in the toilet...eeewww...unless you have the runs...then its more like a flow...just like you ...take a leak...

  14. rofl

  15. speaking of, I'm going to go drop the kiddies off at the pool.

  16. god that's a retarded question lol

  17. For the same reason they call them 'apartments' when they're all stuck together.

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