
Why do they compare Crosby to Gretzky ?

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do u agree that Malking is the best player in Crosby's team ??




  1. There's a Malking on the Pens?

  2. gretzky is in a class above all others

    malikin certainly makes a good argument for best on the team

  3. because they are bored. Datsyuk and Zetterberg are better than Malkin and Crosby

  4. Interesting question.

    Who's Malking?

    Crosby's team? I thought they were the Penguins.

    It's called marketing and pusuing an american market with an American sounding name on a very good hockey player.

    Ovechkin is better but he doesn't have an American born sounding name, like Crosby.

    I just found these and thought I'd share it.

  5. malkin you mean. i can agree on that one. malkin i see as more physical than that wimpy little crosby.

    they compare cindy crosby to great one because cin is NHL's poster boy. They are using him to market the puckbunnies and sheep that dont know much about hockey really.

  6. I agree its marketing, but american sounding name?  It sounds polish, and everyone with half a brain knows he is from canada.

  7. Actually they both suck defensively, so thats why they compare Sid to Greztky. Malkin can at least play both ways.

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