
Why do they do that?

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For a while I though I was pregnant. I posted a couple things.

Well, I was due yesterday for my period. I took a PT which came out negative. So, I stopped thinking about it. (Still haven't got it)

Well, my cats (3 of them) won't leave me alone. They have this thing with l*****g my hands like crazy, then start biting it.

Why the h**l are they doing that? My hands smelt like bleach today after cleaning the bathroom, but they started yesterday.




  1. oh i hope the above answer is true! i'm in exactly the same boat.. af due or just overdue, neg test but still hoping and our cat keeps coming & snuggling me on the lounge=)  unusual 4 him.. good luck & buckets full of babydust!!

  2. OMG! My cat does the same only the last few days wtf? like he has been comming to me and rubbing up against me like crazy how funniiii i hope its truu lol!

  3. That's so funny, cause i was thinking that same thing.. my cat usually favours my man, but recently been l*****g my hands and cuddleing me.. she waits until i come home from work... (late at night) and then sleeps with me in bed.. its really weird.. im late, still neg. testing though.. going to wait a couple more days and test again.  

  4. I hope the cats sense that you are pregnant.  If that is true then that what my cats doing to me.  they sleep with me and cuddle up aganst me in bed at night.  hmmm, good thought.  hope it is true

  5. animal instinct you are the alpha female you take care of them, they sense the pregnancy. try again in a few days  

  6. Don't want to get anyone down, and hope you are all pregnant and have weird cats, but there's a solar (lunar?) eclipse last night/today.  That could be it. Some animals act strange when the moon is different.    
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