
Why do they do this? What would you do if.....?

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a friend came in & out of your life when it was convenient for them, but ignored you at other times. It seems like people are stringing me along but I don't have anything to offer them like lots of money. Also, one of them hasn't contacted me b/c I guess they figured they wouldn't have to see me anymore now that I stopped going to the meetings. And what does it mean when people invite you to a small party but don't want to go out with you one on one? What does all of this mean? What can I do to have better friendships?




  1. First of all, you definitely do not have a nice crowd of friends. If it is at all possible, I suggest you find a better group of people to hang out with, but I know that's not easy.

    If you don't want to do that, try to find what their problem is with you. Maybe it's that you're easy to walk all over and they take advantage of you being nice. Maybe you're doing something that bothers. Try to communicate the problems, and hopefully solutions will come about.

    I advise you to just find people that will treat you the way you deserve, though!

  2. not to be rude or anything, i'm sure you are a great person, but maybe they don't really like you, but feel obligated to keep in touch now and then and feel like they still have to invite you places.  

  3. THe type of people you mentioned are taking you as a convenient acquaintance. They call you only when they 'need' you. They're not worth it. True and good friends won't do this.To have better friends

    a) be yourself- don't put on a show to please anyone as the show will somehow end as it's not you;

    b) your friends tend to be like you so get interested when you feel you're like the other person;

    c) never say "yes" just to please him; make sure the 'yes' or 'OK' comes from your heart.

    Take heart that there are many like you around. You'll feel happier having no friends than  as friends

  4. maybe they just need to get to know you better, if you are really quiet they may be afraid they can't find much to talk about 1 on 1. open up a bit.

  5. Look at it this way. They have all shown you what kind of friends that you neither need nor want. Used them as a template to help you find real friends. It has been said that if you could count all of your real friends on one hand, you are still doing very well. Good friends are hard to come by. Even just having one is very good.

  6. get better freinds they dont make an effort to talk to you then they arent really your freinds stop talking to them and start making friends with other ppl you might find interesting

  7. This happened to me before. I just stopped being friendly to them. We grew apart, and I haven't really talked with her for a couple of years, even though I see her at school. If you feel that your "friends" are using you, dump them and start looking for better people.

    Take classes to meet people, like yoga, cooking, or some sort of crafting.

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