
Why do they go in to detail about heaven and they don't for h**l ?

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no crappy answers plz. So is heaven the real h**l and h**l the real heaven




  1. Actually they do but you have to read religious books.  Visions of h**l have been granted to some people so that the rest of us know that we don't want to go there.


  2. For the same reason that holiday company brochures spend pages saying how wonderful their destinations and hotels are - To encourage you to want to go there - while giving a bad impression of the area outside (saying the locals are thieves, the water is polluted, etc) - to make you worry enough to want to stay inside the holiday complex.

  3. Well I truly believe that there is no h**l.  But there is a heaven.  My theory would be that they can't describe h**l because it doesn't exist!

  4. to tell you the truth i dont know but h**l is bad you dont want to go there but my opinion is   people need to stop sugar coating heaven and tell about h**l its no gonna help if they only see the good side in the bible the most describtion they have about h**l is the rich man and Lazerus  and lazeruzs was poor and was full of sores and the dogs wood l**k them as he ate the rich mans droppings from the food later when they died the rich man went to h**l he begged Abraham to tell lazures to take  his finger to put in his mouth to cool off one drop see none one wants to talk about that but thats the truth  

  5. Because infinite joy is easy to describe, but infinite suffering isn't. The moment you describe it, it becomes... Less infinite and terrible. The unknown can be more terrifying than when something is described.

    Either that, or h**l is really, really fun. Think about it, why would satan punish people for doing what he told them to? It doesn't make sense.

    Then again, neither does the bible as a whole.

  6. Who says noone goes ito detail about h**l?

    What about Dante's Inferno, with all the different levels?  

    What about all the different special places in h**l for people who commit different sins?

    Personally, I don't believe in h**l, but there's plenty of detailed imaginations about it out there if you bother to look.

    Maybe it's just that the whole 'hellfire and brimstone' preaching is out of style.

  7. I believe Al Capone said that h**l must be a really swell place since everyone is trying to keep us out of it.  Even Mark Twain, Samuel Clemons, said something along the lines that Heaven must be pure h**l with all the angels playing harps and singing all the time. :)  

    In one way, you could say that Heaven and h**l are Christian terms, and are based on a reward v. punishment system.  Most of the good men who are shown Heaven, in the Bible, are shown it because that is their future.  How many saints go to h**l? :)  Off the top of my head, the only visit to h**l, made by a Godly Man, was that of the Christ, before his Resurrection, according to one account.  Even then, little was actually said about h**l.

    Once you stray away from Christianity, Heaven changes somewhat, but still leads one to see it as a paradise, much akin to Eden in the Book of Genisis.  It is seen as a new Jerusalem or perfect place.  A land of Milk and Honey, virgins, peace and happiness.  In almost any positive religion, it is the place to go when you die.

    The alternative place, h**l, is considered the opposite.  In negative religions, though, it is paradise, freedom, and so on.  If Heaven is good, h**l is pain, suffering, burning fire, torture, and everything that hurts.  Of course, if fire is good, then h**l would be endless wastelands of cold and ice.  Many religions, throughout time, have held that h**l is cold, like winter, and that it is torture also.  I think, those who live in heat, see h**l as fire and all that goes with it, and those who live in the cold, see h**l as frozen torture, with all that goes with that.  Heaven, then, is the opposite, or comfort, so...

    To some, those who love pain, and inflicting it on others, h**l would be a better place.  The rare notes on it, not fictional but "authoritative," say that h**l is pain and suffering.  Most tend to see this as physical, so it would be arousing instead of boring.  However, not having see true torture, they do not realize that there is only so much that a person can take before it also become boring.  

    Just over a year ago, a group of blood enemies arranged a little party for me.  The result was that I had the pleasure of understanding the aspects of religion much better.  My time in the hospital allowed me to think about a lot of stuff, and remember what I had seen, or rather, felt.  This is strictly a personal opinion and I cannot say that it will happen to another, or that it wasn't some reaction caused by the abuse at their hands.  But...

    Heaven appears to be a place, similar to a walled city, where the good hearted people go, on dying.  I cannot say what it is like inside, if you will see friends and family, have a great body, or whatever.  But, there IS a strong feeling of peace and pleasure that is emmited by the city in massive amounts.  In my understanding, you do not want to leave because it is the best feeling that you can ever have.  The problem is, that you cannot just "go there," but have to earn the right to be admitted.  So, maybe that suicide issue holds true.  If you kill yourself, you don't get to be admitted.  

    Across the narrow bridge, is what we would call h**l.  Though, I think the term Devil, Evil, or Darkness would work just as well.  There is nothing like a city here.  It is a formless mass of pure, black, Evil.  The souls that join it, become part of it, losing themselves to it, and add to its mass.  If you have seen the movie, House on Haunted Hill, made in like 1999 or so, you can get an idea of the form by the form that comes out of the wall about mid-way through the movie.  It is almost like a gas, but looks like an oil or something, moving on its own.  The sight of it is sickening.  I can only liken it to watching a loved one being tortured in the most cruelest of ways, and knowing you cannot help.  To be in it, must be a million times worse.

    I hope this helps some.  I have more I can add, but I'm sure you don't want a book to read and this is already heading that way. :)  

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