
Why do they have babies knowing the life they will have?

by  |  earlier

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in places they dont even have clean water money good houses and enough food ect, why do they keep having children?? why would you want your child to be born into that? so many children are dying in these places i dont understand why they keep reproducing! can anyone tell me why? thanks x




  1. The first answer is pretty much right except I would add something.

    They may not have money for food or for condoms but they do know that when they have s*x a baby pops out 9 months later so why dont they stop having s*x. yeah its a natural human thing but if your living a horrid life with starvation and sickness WHy would they want to bring a child into it knwoing they may not even be there for the child because they could die from all the poverty. I dont get it myself it seems ridiculous to me.

    Even some people in countries that don't have poverty practice abstence if they do not want to have kids.  

  2. Becuase they dont have any birth control methods.  

  3. We were put on this earth to breed, no matter what conditions people are facing in this world.  What about the people here in the United States who is on welfare, I don't have nothing against them just like other countries.  God forbid if you ever have a child and you end up broke and homeless with no food.

  4. Because if they don't have money for food, clean water or housing what makes you think that they would have money for contraceptives, abortions or other alternatives? They are poor people in poor countries and they have no choice but to go through with the pregnancy after they have intercourse. Why do they have intercourse? Because they are human and humans desire it.

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