
Why do they have heating on buses in the summer?

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Its bad enough listening to people talking on their mobiles and cocky loudmouths showing off by swearing and putting the world to rights but heat - pure heat drifting endlessly from the depths of the bus - its enough to put you of travelling

Its best to walk - you feel better too anyway!




  1. i know what you mean,   seems some buses don't have a heat switch off, and i seem to be the only one on the bus that will get up and open a window, it amazes me how the bus can be packed, and feel really stuffy and all the windows are closed

  2. I think it's because they are idiots who can't be bothered changing the settings, so they just leave it on the same all year round.  Apart from the very coldest days in winter, when they turn it off.

  3. They don't.  It is the heat of the engine, the heat of the passengers, plus the heat of the sun through the windows and being absorbed by the whole vehicle.  Funny thing about summer, it gets warm.  Funny thing about a transit bus, it doesn't have a/c.

    Calling professional drivers idiots is uncalled for, and shows a lack of class on your part prepare4trouble.  Remember, the driver has to sit in that all day long, why would he leave the heat on?

  4. The 'Heating' on buses is the heat generated by the engine - there is NO WAY the engine can be turned off while going along.

  5. Summer!  What summer?

  6. lol gd question! it is really stupid , god knws y dey av it!

    n the worst thing is in the middle of winter n feels dam cold in a bus ! lol !

  7. It's the same as radiators when you were at school, boiling hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

    The annoying thing is that when smoking was banned on buses (and then the buses were deregulated and privatised) bus companies cut the number of windows that would open just to save money.  There is simply inadequate ventilation on buses.

    Similarly, the smoking ban on aeroplanes was used by airlines to save money by recirculating stale, sweaty air that is low in oxygen rather than drawing in fresh air from outside (which costs money to warm and pressurise).  Apparently this stale air has been shown to precipitate 'air rage'

    Bizarrely, it can be actually claimed that you breathed better air when smoking was permitted on public transport!

  8. bus drivers can only turn the heaters off they cannot stop the water going thruogh the pipes this has to be done by the engineering side, so you would have to take all the buses into the garage and onto a pit individually to turn off the heating underneath, then when that is done it is winter so time to turn them back on again, SILLY place to have turn off valve

  9. You're right , and on the coldest days of winter the heating is off , it's silly .

    There the bus driver sits , window wide open and the passengers are melting away ....

  10. That heat is actually lack of AC, they're just recirculating the warm air in the bus.

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