
Why do they have that box behind the goalline?

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What is the point of having that box when they rule isn't enforced? The goalies are only suppose to have the puck in the goalie area or the box right? I have seen them touch the puck several times out of the box and I am sick of it! They let them bend the rules!




  1. forever5 has it right....

  2. someone's probably answered it... but its called the trapezoid... and the reason they have it now(since the lockout) is because on dump ins the goalies were too good in getting to the puck first and just passing it out. So, its to allow teams to have a good forecheck.

    And they do enforce it, just no goalies play the puck inside the trapezoid anymore. The 1st year goalies did it several times and got a penalty, but they've all learned since then.

    BTW, petza's dead wrong, goalies can't play the puck in the trapezoid. And it works like offsides, its where the puck is, not the player.

    To what other people said, again... the point is so that when teams dump the puck in(past the red line of course) the goalie cannot clear the puck if it ends up in the trapedoiz(so they can't play it). And its where the puck is. Plain and simple. The goalie gets a delay of game when he touches the puck inside the trapezoid. The sad thing is goalies have gotten even better at coming out of their crease and clearing the puck when its dumped into the corners. The idea was, if the goalie can't clear it as easily, there'd be more forechecking, and more scoring chances.

  3. Petza's got it down to a T.

  4. Petza and Chris M - the goalie can no longer touch the puck behind the redline, outside of the trapezoid.  Known in many circles as the Brodeur rule, it is to limit the goalies handling of the puck because so many goalies have gained such skill handling it.

      The objective part of the rule is that it is where the goalie's stick touches the puck, not where the goalie's body is.  Goalie's always have and always will shield the puck with their bodies when attempting to handle it with forechecking pressure on them - players can't really hit them so the goalie uses his rear-end to make the goalie go around him, etc.

       As for "bending the rules", I'm sure there are times when the goalie gets away with one... to be called as a penalty, it would have to be pretty definitive to the Ref's eye, and they are probably paying more attention to any contact between a forechecking player and a goalie than anything...

  5. If the goalie touches the puck outside of that zone, it is a delay of game penalty.   I'm not sure if his whole body has to be out but I think it does.

    btw its more a trapezoid lol

  6. the goalie is not alowed to touch the puck when it is behind the goal line and out side the trapazoid

    sometimes they just don't see it

    i have heard talk about getting rid of the trapazoid so maybe they are testing it out for now

  7. Actually rule states that a goalie can touch the puck anywhere he wants but can only cover it in the goal crease or behing the net.

  8. its a camera you loser

  9. When the goalie is behind the goal line he can only play the puck when it is inside the trapezoid.  He can play it anywhere in front of the goal line.

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