
Why do they have to grow up so fast?!?

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It seems like only yesterday I brought my first daughter home. Now she's 8, my other daughter is 4, and my baby is 4 months old today. *sigh*

Why do they have to grow up so fast? When I was their age, time felt like it was eternal, and 18yo felt like a lifetime away. Now, my days go so fast I hardly have time to think.

Anyone else feel that way?




  1. My "baby" is going to be six soon, I can't imagine where that time went, I still call him baby and I *have* to stop doing that, he's virtually a young man!

  2. It is crazy isn't it!  It seems like I blinked and she was walking. My daughter will be a year on the 30th of this month and it just doesn't seem possible.  

  3. I know...  :(

    My oldest is two...

    and my second is 5 months on the 20th  :(

    It just seems like yesterday I was pregnant with them and bringing them home from the hospital, my 2 year old is talking away and my 2nd is rolling all over the place! It just makes me want to cry!

  4. My dad (who has five daughters) told me something that I have never forgotten.

    ~*~The days are long, but the years are short.~*~


  5. Yeah right! Waiting to turn 18 seems like waiting to turn 30!

  6. Yes, and even though I'm a young Mom, this makes me feel so old...sigh* I have an 11 year old 6 year old and 4 year old girls! They grow up too fast!

  7. i know i think the baby stage should last longer. lol mine are 4 years and 2 months both girls

  8. Yes!  My baby is off to school in February - for so long it felt like a lifetime away and now it is getting too close to quickly!!  My daughter is two in a few months and I don't know where the time has gone, it seems to have gone so much more quickly the second time around.

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