
Why do they hire so many Chinese at theme parks (like Universal Studios in Orlando, FL)?

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I've just come back from a trip to Orlando, where I went to two amusement parks: Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. While there, I couldn't help but notice that a huge percentage of the staff working at the entrance, on the rides, and selling food was foreign. And more specifically, they were from China. They all wore tags that had both their names and hometowns on them so it was quite obvious.

My question is...why? Why do we hire these foreign Chinese to come work at parks like these? Clearly, these jobs are not glorious nor are they very well-respected in the workforce. So what is it that makes these jobs appealing enough for foreigners to leave their own countries and move to the U.S.? Is the pay that much better than what they could get back in China?




  1. white kids would rather skate, smoke weed and get laid so Universal Studios have no choice but to hire chinese and mexicans, who are harder workers.

  2. Cheap Labour enough said!!!

  3. I work there. Alot of them are there temporarily there for the college program. They use different countries every couple of months and when those people leave, new ones come in.

  4. you hire people willing to do the job for the pay you offer. and you hire who will do the best job.  i have had many coworkers who have said "if i got paid more, i would do a better job." that is a lousy attitude to have. and basically get you stuck in the same possition, or fired. most people that come from other countries, especially if they are working as temporary help, know that they are going back to their country. and the money they save will set them up. they will not be rich but it might help them start school, a small business or help their family get on their feet. some people in other countries make less in one week than most minimum wage americans make in one day.

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