
Why do they insist on making alternative fuels when it cost more in regular fuel to produce it?

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Why do they insist on making alternative fuels when it cost more in regular fuel to produce it?




  1. Alternative fuel can be referred to new source of energy either in the form of liquid or electrical.

    They insist on making alternative fuel because one day we will be out of the fossil fuel which you are currently using to run your cars and homes.

  2. Because "The Man" can tax it.

    That's the reason all of these new technologies have not come out in full force.

    Why do you think everyone says that Hydrogen from water is impossible. ?

    They cant tax water...............

    They cant tax Solar...............

    They cant tax wind................

    That is why none of these technologies have made huge headway.

    They cant be taxed and make large corporations "Billions" of dollars once they are initially sold.

    Why do you think that GM/Honda and others only lease (not sell) these new Hydrogen and electric cars.???????????

    Because they loose control.................................... $$$$$$$

    Kinda funny that the Gov screams and cries about the environment but does nothing to proliferate these technologies.

    They will spend billions on research to see if a rare sea duck is being harmed by drilling for oil (an American feel good) but only spend a couple of hundred thousand on any meaningful research for alternative fuel source. (and that is tightly controlled and regulated).


    Did you know that it takes .82% energy to make Ethanol and it only has half the BTU's (energy) as Gasoline? It has an 18% efficiency in production but you can only get half the mileage using it. That means 91% is wasted on production and utilization.  But they can still tax it.


  3. That all depends on the price of oil.

    Any guess what that might be in 5 years?

  4. If you are talking about corn, it doesn't have much to do with conservation.  It's all about politics.

  5. It depends on specifically which alternative fuel you're talking about, as alot of them don't actually consume regular fuel to make.

  6. Regular fuel is more expensive to produce.  The difference is paid in taxes though, not at the pump.  Alternative fuel subsidies are a drop in the bucket compared to fossil subsidies.

    Then there are the externalities we must all pay for, such as air and water pollution.  These things have real economic costs.

  7. Great question! I use an alternative fuel that doesn't do that - it's called natural gas (methane), and it's domestically produced in America and it's very clean AND very cheap ($10 to fill up in Utah). Wish there were a lot more of them out there...

  8. It depends on some factors like, was the fuel imported?

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