
Why do they make adoptions so difficult?

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With so many orphans out there why do governments make it so impossible to adopt?

You don't have to do any tests or screening to be a parent but to adopt is a huge process. Surely people who want to adopt make better parents than those who "accidentally" fall pregnant. What make you a good parent because you can have children? just because you can't have children, does that make you a bad parent? Why do they have so much red tape to adopt? The more kids that are out of foster care and orphanages the less the government has to spend so it will be cheaper for them.

Any thoughts??




  1. I often think that everyone who wants to become a parent should go through that procedure. There are so many ****** up families in this world. A lot of people should never have gotten children.

  2. its the same if your adopted, they make it hard to find u r real parents.......

  3. Yes i agree there is a lot of kids who needs a home, but there must be a lot of procedures to ensure the safety of that use if he/she is actually better off at a orphanage than with abusive parents

  4. it should be harder than getting a puppy...........I assume u have noticed how people get sick of things,,golf clubs, bbq''t return kids .since they are for life and are have to want them.....

    In China,,,they regulate kids you have ,,,,,not a great idea,,,,

  5. What I found out? These organisations receive money from the government for every child they have. (Not to mention charities!) How much would they earn if they manage to find a home for every child? They hold on to those children for dear life under the pretext that they are working in the interest and well being of the children. Children are handed over very fast if the people that want to adopt put money on the table (bribes) or donate huge sums to these organisations. I do not believe or trust them anymore.  Most are only interested in the funding they receive. The more children they have the more…..! And if they are so worried about abuse, why do they not have follow up programmes. Once the child is officially adopted their eyes glaze over and they lose interest.

  6. There has to be a propper structure and rules to apply . I know some people will gladly adopt hundreds of children immediately . Some for slaves ,some for s*x workers,some for their organs and some for muti ........You get my drift ?

    I agree , the red tape is too much ,the system can be streamlined etc.etc

  7. I agree, we have tried to adopt and it is so expensive that we just can't afford the adoption and food for the child at the same time. There is the home study, the lawyer, the agency, the court cost. I could go on and on.

    I think adoptive parents are great parents, most anyway. No better or worse than parents that birthed children. We have one, but I can't have anymore, we have tried and tried. I would love to have many more, but I guess that won't happen and with the way they try and suck all the money they can from you when you try to give a child a loving home adopting. I don't know why they want to make it so hard.

  8. I also want to know, some countries, i actually think SA is one of them do not believe in adopting across the border, that means, foreigners cannot adopt SA children, but I think they are busy changing that. I have a collegue that adopt a baby a year ago. It was terrible. If you go through a State adoption, you get a black baby, because there are so many of them and blacks do not adopt, it is not in their culture, or that is what the social worker told them. If they specify that they would like to adopt a white baby, they would NOT get one, because racist should not be able to adopt (governmental red tape) in order for them to adopt a white baby (they are both white) they had to go through a private adoption, costed them R 250 000. They had to wait for 9 months untill the birth mother who was 16, gave birth, and then had to wait for another 3 months after they got the baby, because during that time she and the birth father had the right to revoke the adoption. They went through h**l. BUT I am all for the red tape, have seen to many cases where the adoptive parents abuse the kids, but then again, how many natural parents abuse their children? The sad part is, I support the MTR Smith Orphanage here in our city, 99% of the children there are not orphans, but the children of parents that are in jail, that are not able to look after them, or children that the court took away from their birth parents, because the latter abused them.......

  9. Donit disagree but what i will say is that some of these children need to be protected, so why should it be so easy to just decide you want this child. We live in a throw away society so children need to be fostered with genuine people who will love them unconditionally.

  10. Because they dont want every Tom, d**k and Harry in charge of children.

  11. I guess they have to make sure that the potential parents are well equipped & capable of raising a child. You get sick people that adopt children only to end up abusing them. So they are just taking extra precautions.

    Lise K: Black people do adopt but previously there weren't many black orphans because black people treat extended family as close family, and as a result orphans would be raised by uncles or aunts or relatives.

    Times have changed though & we have children that are dumped in the streets and left for dead & because of Increasing rates of Aids we have orphans.

    Edit: Just heard on the news that Vietnam has stopped allowing Americans to adopt Vietnamese children. this comes after investigation revealed Child trafficking & abuse allegations.

  12. I agree

    I've had children in foster care but to adopt was and is still a huge proses so I gave up ,,,still want to

    Got the same problem

    All the problem children very easy to get just ask and they give it to care for and I mean very difficult problem children

  13. I agree that it should be made more "human" for people to adopt a child.  I do however fear that child predators could use an undercover couple to adopt victims for them.

    Especially the costs should be affordable. Like EASTER said, the costs are so high that one cannot afford to feed the child.  

    Also, most of the children up for adoption have come from homes far worse that the hopeful adoptive parents could offer them.  So why make it so difficult?

    It is easier to get a gun than a child !!  ??

  14. They want to make certain that this already abandoned person is going to be placed properly and not be mishandled more

  15. I agree!

    It's so upsetting to see how many orphans there are!

    I'd adopt a child if I could or more than one!

    My uncle was adopted and we love him just the same. He actually looks like my oupa! hehe

    Anyway, I guess it's because they are then responsible for that child and if anything was to happen and those parents did turn out to be psycho it would be terrible. However, most who adopt are fantastic parents!

    In the UK they do a lot of fostering here.

  16. To make sure you are going to look after the child well. If adoption wasnt well regulated and controlled just imaging how many undesirable people would be able to adopt a child and then abuse it.

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