
Why do they make them so small?

by  |  earlier

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Or am I just fat?:P

Okay, well, not really. but, why are some booths at restaurants narrow? Like, I fit in it, but right up to the table. anyone else like this? I'm not fat (chubby is more like it).

It'd be easier to sit at a regular table, but how would I ask the waitor this without my friends wondering why?




  1. They want to be able to fit as many customers as possible.

  2. You can say that the booth seats hurt your back & the chairs are more comfortable for you. Say your chiropractor told you to sit at a table. If you're really young, this might not fly.......since your age is unknown, it may or may not. Also- sometimes the booth tables are not attached to the walls & you can discreetly move it a couple of inches away from you.

  3. If you are to fat for the booth, you need to lay off the food.  Wow.  This has to be a joke.

  4. i notice that the tables has been getting smaller and smaller these days. my mom is cubby and always asked for a table, its not biggie and i'm sure your friends aren't going to be all over your back wondering why you did that. and if they do asked, just say, they are more comfortable!!

  5. It's true what Hockey said about fitting as many tables in as possible.  As for asking for a regular table, just tell the maitre'd that you would prefer a table instead of a booth.  If your friends question it just tell them it's personal preference.  I fit comfortably into a booth but have two young children so a table is more convenient for us.

  6. I have been heavy and downright skinny.  Both sizes I have found that tables in booths can be too far away from the seats as well as too close. Indeed too close is the case most often.  Even if you are not large, some people just get a little claustrophobic.  They can feel trapped in a booth especially when there are people between them and getting out.

  7. It's because of limited space and the fact that restaurants want to serve as many customer's as possible so they make the booth's smaller so they can fit more in and to accomodate one person or two so they can use the larger booth's for larger parties.  If you want a larger booth or table than ask for one, it shouldn't matter to anyone why.  I am not a large person but I don't like sitting in the small cramped booth's either so I always ask for a larger booth.  I don't care what other's think as long as I'm comfortable while i enjoy my meal.

  8. Don't listen to Jeff H.

    Its coz they want to fit as many tables in as possible (to get as many customers as possible) so they squish them!

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